Click on a lottery title to build or edit a stage.
From the "Manage Lotteries" screen, click the pencil icon to edit the title of an existing lottery. You can also adjust the rotation schedule from this modal but that is not recommended if a lottery is already in progress.
Click the checkbox beside a lottery and then click 'Delete Selected' to delete a lottery.
Click the confirmation checkbox in the modal, and then click 'Delete'.
Published Lotteries cannot be deleted.
Curriculum Period: a period of time that defines the beginning and end of a curriculum.
Lottery: a container associated with a specific curriculum period that defines an audience and contains one or more stages.
Audience: the collection of learners that will be scheduled by the lottery processing. The audience is determined by the initial draft schedule that is selected when creating a lottery.
Learner: a single audience member.
Stage: each stage is contained within a parent lottery. After a lottery has closed, a stage may then be executed, transforming the learners' submitted preferences into partial rotation schedules that are merged into the final working schedule.
Working Schedule: each lottery has its own working copy of a rotation schedule, which is populated through the process of executing stages.
Option: an ordering of one or more clerkship blocks, also known as a stream, track, grid, or group. Options are defined by an administrator and later ranked by learners in order of their preference. If a stage is set to “Singular” mode, each option will contain one block, whereas with “Sequential” mode, each option can contain multiple Blocks in varying arrangements.
Ranking: when a stage is open, each learner in the audience is tasked with reviewing the stage's options and submitting their preferred ranking. The list that maps the options to their ordered preferences is a learner's ranking.
Block: defines the specific period of time and optionally, the location(s) where a learner will complete some form of task or content related to a particular course.
Slot: a slot defines the site, preceptor and occupancy spaces available for each unique experience. Blocks can have multiple slots, each of which may define their own minimum and maximum number of spaces.
Space: represents an actual vacancy within a slot, and serves as the link that allows learners to be assigned to a specific rotation within a schedule.
Site: the physical location where a rotation takes place. Each block within an option may specify one or more sites where the rotation may occur.
Preceptor: preceptors can be assigned to slots as the supervisor for a clinical experience.
Variation: a variation is the result of an executed stage. Each variation represents a partial rotation schedule that the admin can review and adjust, or merge into the lottery's working schedule.
Satisfaction Rating: this is a percentage rating value that shows how close a variation was to the ideal scenario, where every learner received their top choice. The higher this value, the higher the number of learners who received their preferred option.
The Lotteries Overview is the landing page for Elentra's Lottery module. Here you will see all lotteries, including all Lotteries that have run and been published.
Each lottery will show in this list and display the Title, applicable Rotation Schedule, visibility, status and number of stages. Note that the visibility controls for a Lottery can be utilized in this view, including after a Lottery has been published back to it's respective Rotation Schedule.
To search for a specific lottery by name, you may use the "Search Lotteries" input field, or adjust the "Sort By" selector on any column to rearrange the list.
Optionally filter by Lottery status (e.g. Open, In progress).
From Admin > Manage Lotteries, click on any lottery title to move to the Stages tab.
Click the green plus icon to add a stage.
There are two stage types: Ranking and Swapping.
Ranking Stages allow learners to order the offered options from most to least desirable. When the stage is completed 5 variations will be created attempting to give each Learner their highest ranked option.
Swapping Stages require either already scheduled rotations or a previously completed Ranking stage. Learners are able to swap slots among rotation blocks among themselves. Swaps can be requested and then accepted or rejected.
Select your Stage and click Confirm.
Click Edit.
This will default to Schedules which is the only available option. Click Save.
This is where you input the available options for learners to later rank. So, for example, you might have Option 1 as Pediatrics, Neurology, Emergency, and Option 2 as Neurology, Emergency, Pediatrics. Since each rotation slot can also have preceptor and location information provided, the number of options can be significant.
The template requires you to list the slot id for each rotation slot. This information is available from a developer on your team.
Click Edit.
Export a sample schedule if you wish.
Complete your template as required.
Columns: Schedule Option Key and Rotation Slot Keys
Schedule Option Keys should just be OPTION1, OPTION2, etc. Note that they will displayed to the Learner when they are ranking options.
Rotation Slot Keys should be slot ids separated by commas and in the appropriate order.
Import your file as a csv.
Click Save.
Here you can exclude specific learners from the lottery process.
Optionally search for learners by typing their names in the search box.
Click the checkbox beside all learners you want to exclude from the stage.
Click Save.
Status is an indicator of the stage including if it is missing any required configurations, if the stage is open or if it is completed.
Click Edit.
The options are Schedules and Rotations.
Schedules - This allows learners to swap entire options (i.e. the entire option stream/all rotations).
Rotations - This allows learners to swap slots within the same rotation for a different location or preceptor.
Click Save.
Here you can exclude specific learners from the lottery process.
Optionally search for learners by typing their names in the search box.
Click the checkbox beside all learners you want to exclude from the stage.
Click Save.
Status is an indicator of the stage including if it is missing any required configurations, if the stage is open or if it is completed.
To open learner access on any stage and make it available for learners to access, click 'Open Learner Access.'
This will prevent Learners from accessing the stage, but all progress currently made (rankings or swaps) are preserved, and will be retained if the Learner Access is re-opened. This is useful if you need to make small adjustments to the Lottery, such as changing the exclusions. Some changes will negate progress however, such as uploading a different set of Options for a Ranking Stage or changing the Rule of a Swapping Stage.
The Lottery Visibility Tab is where a lottery administrator can toggle the visibility of a lottery on and off and also where a tentative schedule can be published to the Rotation Scheduler.
When visibility is on, learners will be able to see a lottery, even if a stage is closed.
When visibility is off, learners will not see a lottery, even if a stage is open.
To publish a lottery schedule and make it the live rotation schedule for learners, click "Publish Schedule."
A lottery acts as a container, that defines an audience of learners and is tied to a specific curriculum period.
Click Admin > Manage Lotteries.
Click the green plus icon to add a lottery.
Providing a descriptive Title.
The title of a Lottery will eventually be displayed to Learners in their My Lotteries dashboard, so make sure to choose a helpful and unique title.
Select a Rotation Schedule to include in the lottery. The audience of learners and available rotations are automatically determined by the schedule chosen here. Once ready, click the "Save" button.
You will return to the Lotteries list and see your newly created lottery in the list.
You're now ready to create a Stage for the Lottery.
New in 1.27! Many new features and a new interface for Lottery Management was introduced in 1.27. See below for how to use these new features.
Elentra's Lottery module is designed to allow learner input into the process of populating a rotation schedule for the clinical portion of a curriculum. Administrators can create a lottery, based on available rotation slots, and give learners the chance to rank their preferences and even swap slots within rotations between peers after a tentative schedule has been created. Each lottery incorporates its learners' preferences into a processing algorithm that produces 5 variations of draft schedules and a learner satisfaction percentage based on the number of learners receiving their top ranked preference. Draft schedules can be compared before it is selected and either further ranking or swapping stages are applied or eventually applied to a rotation schedule to then be published.
Additional features of the lottery module include the ability to exclude specific learners from a lottery.
Learners scheduled in a draft Rotation Schedule will be retained during Lotteries. This can be helpful if you need to guarantee specific opportunities for some learners (e.g., military personnel, learners with upcoming parental leave, etc.)
You can watch a recording about the Lottery module at (login required).
The lottery module does not allow learners to list their ideal rotation schedule and then have Elentra attempt to build it. The lotteries tool still relies on rotation, preceptor and site availability based on the slots built by administrative staff.
The following is a high-level overview of using the lottery module.
A prerequisite to using the Elentra Lottery module is building rotation schedules in the Clinical Experience > Rotation Schedule module. These instructions assume you have Rotation Schedules and Rotations set up and that slots with the appropriate preceptors, locations, and occupancy limits have been built.
Create a Lottery for a specific curriculum period, then select a rotation schedule to determine the audience and available rotations.
Build a Stage; this can be. Scheduling or Swapping stage. A scheduling stage is required and allows learners to ranking their preferences. A swapping stage is optional and allows learners to request to swap a slot in the same rotation with a peer.
Optionally exclude learners from a lottery or prepopulate the schedule for a specific learner (this reserves their spot for them).
Create a series of Options for a Scheduling Stage, one for each different arrangement of possible rotations.
Open the lottery stage and make it visible to learners (lottery availability should also be communicated to learners through an Elentra notification or email).
While the Stage is open, each learner logs in and ranks the Options in order of which ones they prefer the most.
Close the lottery stage at the appropriate time.
Runs lottery variations. For each variation, a potential draft schedule is generated, incorporating the learners' ranked preferences and schedule availability.
Review variations to determine which is the most viable, with the highest learner satisfaction. The chosen variation is merged into the Lottery's working schedule and becomes visible to learners.
Optoinally run a swapping stage to allow learners to request changes. This is restricted to swapping for the same rotation. Learners can't trade neurology for pediatrics, but they can swap to match with a different preceptor or location.
The Lottery's working draft schedule is reviewed and published, bringing it into the Rotation Schedule.
Use to enable or disable the lottery module
If you disable the lottery, consider hiding it from the learner user icon menu via this setting.
The Lottery Schedule Tab displays the tentative schedule set to date.
Optionally filter by Learners, Locations, Instructors, and Rotations.
Jump to start, end or current time and move forward and back block by block.
Optionally view by Block, Month or Quarter.
If you pre-book specific learners into rotations, those bookings will show here even before the lottery is run.
After a lottery is run and a lottery administrator selects a variation, the tentative schedule will display here.
As learners swap rotations or stages, the changes will be reflected here.
To publish a lottery schedule and make it the live rotation schedule for learners, click "Publish Schedule."
The lottery module is one way for administrators to create a rotation schedule in Elentra for a cohort of learners in an unbiased way.
It allows learners to rank potential rotation schedules and anonymously swap rotation schedules and/or rotations if your Elentra administrators have configured swapping stages.
What you are able to rank or swap is dependent on how your Elentra administrators have configured the stages and rotations schedule options in Elentra.
The lottery module uses an algorithm to try to give the most learners their first choice of rotation schedule.
Please note that there are no notifications in Elentra to tell you when a stage is open or closed. You will receive the dates and times of when stages open or close from your lottery administrators.
To access the lotteries module click on your user profile icon and select “Lotteries”. You will be directed to your Lotteries page where you will see a list of all Lotteries that have been assigned to you. You can use the Search Lotteries input field to find a specific Lottery if there are multiple in the list.
Each Lottery on this page contains the following information:
The title of the Lottery, as set by the administrator.
A helpful contextual alert stating the Lottery's status of each stage.
A View Lottery button that will take you to a page where you can participate in the stage that is open, see your tentative schedule, see unassigned schedules, and see a list of links to the locations and preceptors that are associated with the lottery.
Click on your user profile icon and select “Lotteries”
Click on View Lottery
A tentative schedule, see unassigned schedules
After the ranking stage you will receive a tentative schedule. If your lottery administrators have set up a swapping stage then you will be able to participate in this stage to either swap your entire schedule or swap out one rotation booking for another within the same discipline in a particular block.
Navigate back to the lottery and click on participate to participate in this stage. You will be directed to a page where you can see your tentative schedule, request swaps, swap with unassigned tracks and see your swap requests.
If you are happy with your tentative schedule and do not want to participate in swapping, then you can choose to opt out of this stage by turning the toggle to on where it says “I don’t want to participate in swapping and would like to hide my tentative schedule from other learners”.
If you do want to participate in the swapping stage then you can browse other participating learner’s tentative schedules under the Available Schedules section on the My Requests tab. You can filter the tracks by clicking on the blocks and selecting the criteria you wish to filter by in the What are you looking for? Section.
Once you find a track you would like to request a swap for click on the Request Swap button on that track. This will send an anonymous request to the owner of that track. The owner of the track may accept or deny the request. Only one request can be made at a time. You can cancel a request you have made while the swapping stage is still open and make another request.
If there are tracks that remained unassigned after the ranking stage you can go to the Unassigned Tracks tab and request to swap with those tracks. You will automatically receive the swap for unassigned tracks.
To see the requests from other learners for your schedule go to the Requests for My Schedule tab. From here you can decide to accept the request or deny the request. Once you accept the request then that track will become your new tentative schedule.
You can return to this stage to participate in swapping for as long as the swapping stage is open.
Please note that there are no notifications in the system to tell you when a stage is open or closed. You will receive the dates and times of when stages open or close from your lottery administrators.
You may also be able to participate in a swapping stage where you are swapping rotations. This stage typically comes after the swapping of rotation schedules but may also follow the ranking stage. You may only swap rotations that are of the same discipline. For example, you can only swap a pediatrics rotation for another pediatrics rotation within the same block. The locations and preceptors can vary across these rotations.
When in the Swapping Rotation Stage you will
see your tentative schedule from the previous stages
Be able to view tags on the rotation such as whether there are residents present or it is an inpatient rotation by switching the Mode on the tentative schedule from simple mode to detail mode.
have the ability to opt out of the stage completely
turn off swapping of particular rotations from your schedule under the Options section.
be able to view the available rotations to swap under the Options section.
If you are happy with your tentative schedule and do not want to participate in swapping, then you can choose to opt out of this stage by turning the toggle to on where it says “I don’t want to participate in swapping and would like to hide my tentative schedule from other learners”.
If you would like to remove certain rotations from being available to swap turn the Swappable toggle button to off for each rotation option card that you would like to remove. You will see a message letting you know that the block cannot be swapped.
To view available options to swap click on the View Available Options to Swap button on a rotation option card. A pop-up modal will appear and you can then view the list of available options and make your selection. You can decide to view unassigned rotations only. Unassigned rotations will immediately be applied to your schedule upon confirmation.
If there are no available options you will not see any in the list. When you are ready to send the request click on the send request button. This will send a request to the owner of the rotation booking and then they can accept or reject the request.
When you receive a request to swap it will appear below your rotation in the block where it is requested. You can cancel a request before it is accepted.
There are no internal notifications of a swapping request or rejection, so please make sure to visit the Lottery tab with some frequency during a lottery swapping stage.
The ranking stage is the first stage in a lottery in Elentra. Click on the Participate button on the stage to participate in the stage. You will be brought to a page where you can see all of the potential rotation schedules to rank.
On this page you can filter by locations, rotations, instructors, or curriculum tags in a particular block. To use the filter click on one of the blocks and then choose which criteria to filter by.
The options you need to rank are listed below the filter. You can see the name of the options and the names of the rotations. The location and/or preceptor information may also be provided on the rotation booking in an option.
To rank the options you need to move your top choices to the top of the list. It is not mandatory to sort the entire list.
The list is always presented in ascending numerical order, with the top choice first (Rank 1) and the least desired choice listed at the bottom of the list. You can move the desired options into your preferred ranking scale in many ways.
Drag & Drop individual tracks Click on the icon with the 6 boxes on the option you wish to move and hold the click then drag it to the position in the list you want it to be at and release the click.
Select One or More Tracks & Move Them Together On the left side of each track you can select the checkbox to select the track. You can select multiple tracks to move at one time in bulk. When you select the track or tracks you would like to move, then certain functions will become available to move the tracks.
If you select just one track you can use the arrows on the track to move it up and down, the Move All to Top or Move All to Bottom button or enter the Rank Number and move it directly to that spot.
To use the Rank Number type in the destination rank number and then click move.
If you select multiple tracks at once then you can use the arrows on one of the tracks to move the block of tracks up and down or use the Move All to Top or Move All to Bottom button. If there are gaps between your selections upon moving the tracks the gaps will be removed.
The left side of each Option card also includes a checkbox. You may check more than one Option at a time, and certain controls will become enabled depending on what reordering actions are available. When an Option is checked, the left-hand column expands to include Nudge Up and Nudge Down buttons, represented by an upward chevron icon, and a downward chevron icon, respectively.
When an Option is checked, and the Nudge Up and Nudge Down buttons are visible, clicking one will nudge the option in the selected direction, effectively swapping it with the Option currently residing in that location.
When multiple Options are checked, the nudge buttons are also available, however, if any gaps exist between the checked Options, they will be removed before the nudge occurs. As an example, let's say you have a list of five options (labelled alphabetically for demonstration).
Option A
Option B
Option C
Option D
Option E
Now let's say you check Options A, C, and D. The list now looks like this, with the checked Options visually highlighted:
[✔] Option A
Option B
[✔] Option C
[✔] Option D
Option E
In this multi-checked state, the Nudge Up buttons will be disabled for the checked Options. This is because one of them cannot move up any higher than it is, as Option A is already the top-most choice. However, it is possible to move the group of checked options downward in the list, using the Nudge Down button on any of the checked Options. Performing this action will result in the following list:
Option B
Option E
[✔] Option A
[✔] Option C
[✔] Option D
This is because before any nudge action, all checked Options are "squashed" together to remove any potential gaps, then moved as a grouped block in the direction of the nudge action.
When an Option is checked, the buttons in the page's sticky footer, Move to Top and Move to Bottom become enabled. If there are multiple Options checked, the labels change to say Move All to Top/Bottom. When either of these buttons is clicked, any checked Options will be squashed and grouped together to remove any gaps, then moved t the very top or very bottom of the list.
If you have a single Option checked and would like to move it to a specific Rank number, you can use the input field in the middle of the sticky page footer. Simply type in the destination Rank number, then click the Move button. The list will accommodate for the move by nudging all affected Options up or down by one, depending on whether the action moved the checked Option higher or lower in the list.
You can also perform a direct Move action when multiple Options are checked, and it will behave the same way, but be aware that if there are any gaps between your checked Options, as mentioned above, they will be removed prior to the move action. That means spread out checked Options will be squashed together into a block, then moved to their new destination rank.
You can return to this stage and update your rank preferences for as long as the Ranking stage is open.
Auto-Saving and Manual Saving
After every action that reorders the list, it will be automatically saved. There also exists a manual Save button in the page's sticky footer bar, that can be used to explicitly force the rankings to save. Hovering over this button will display a tooltip that shows the date and time when the rankings were last saved. You can use this tooltip to check and ensure that your rankings are fully stored before leaving the Ranking Interface.
Admin > Manage Lottery.
Click on Lottery name.
Go to the Schedule Tab.
To publish a lottery schedule and make it the live rotation schedule for learners, click "Publish Schedule."