Importing Curriculum Tags for Royal College Programs
Use .csv format to upload objectives
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Use .csv format to upload objectives
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In the context of Royal College programs, each program will upload its own curriculum via Admin > Manage Courses/Programs > CBME > Configure CBME.
csv files prepared for RC program curriculum imports should include the following column headings:
Detailed Description
While all tag sets should include code and name information, the full parent path is only required on the milestone template. The other curriculum tag sets can by uploaded with no parents at all.
Navigate to the Configure CBME tab. Select Use a curriculum framework as a base and click Next Step.
2. Select a framework in the drop-down and click Next Step.
3. Complete the required upload for each tag set.
Reminder: While all tag sets should include code and name information, when using the default upload method, the full parent path is only required on the milestone template. The other curriculum tag sets can by uploaded with no parents at all.
Select an upload method.
For the Stages upload, ensure the Default upload option is selected.
For the Entrustable Professional Activities upload, ensure the Default option is selected.
For the Roles upload, ensure the Default upload option is selected.
For the Key Competency upload, ensure the Default upload option is selected.
For the Enabling Competency upload, ensure the Default upload option is selected.
For the Milestones upload, ensure the Default upload option is selected.
Drag and drop a file into the appropriate space. You will see the file name when the file is there.
Click Save and upload and you'll see a green success message.
If you forget to select the correct Upload radio button (e.g., Upload referencing a single parent code), you must reset the upload by going back to Step 1: Configuration in the CBME tab of the course or in the Organization Trees section of the Curriculum Framework Builder.
You can review the new proposed tree structure with the uploaded objectives added. Click the Publish button to save.
Note: If there are errors in the upload, the green Publish button will not display and you will be unable to publish. You will need to reset the objective upload. See Notes section in step 3 of this documentation.
After you publish your course tree, a behind the scenes task must run for the curriculum to publish. At many schools this happens once a night. After time has passed, you can refresh the Configure CBME tab screen to view the imported curriculum.
Please reach out to the Consortium Core Team on Slack if you are a Consortium school and are looking for some sample data to test CBE with.