New in ME 1.22!
Learning Event Type Summary Report to show use of event types across multiple courses in one file
A variety of system reports are available to different users in Elentra. Some reports can be accessed from other screens, but most reports are accessed via Admin > System Reports.
Not all reports will be visible to all users and learners have no access to system reports (learners can access some reports on themselves depending on how you use Assessment and Evaluation).
Please note there are some specific reporting options for Courses, Course Websites, and Assessment and Evaluation. Please see the relevant help section for additional information on those reports.
A report containing a list of curriculum tags assigned to a course and an indication of whether they were also assigned to events in the course. Report also includes a list of additional curriculum tags assigned to events in the course but not assigned to the course itself.
Note that this report is most useful if your curriculum framework has you assign curriculum tags to a course and those same tags to specific events. If you actually have separate tag sets for course and event objectives, you will only see useful information in the Non-Assigned Tags section of this report.
Go to Admin > System Reports.
Under Course Reports click Course Objectives by Events Tagged (COBET).
Set the reporting start and finish date and time (required).
All courses will be listed on the "Courses Included" list. Click on a course to highlight it which means it is selected.
You can use your keyboard and mouse to select multiple courses if needed.
Click Generate Report and results will display inline.
Tags in the Assigned Course Objective list are those tags that were assigned to a course.
Click the number under the Tagged column to see a list of the events where the curriculum tag was also assigned.
Tags in the Non-Assigned Tagged Objectives list are those tags that were not assigned to the course but were assigned to specific learning events.
Results can be downloaded as PDF or CSV.
For CSV downloads, three separate files may download (Assigned MCC Presentations, Attached Objectives, and Non-Attached Objectives).
For PDF downloads, information may be separated into Assigned MCC Presentations, Assigned Tagged Objectives, and Non-Assigned Tagged Objectives.
This report lists all learning events in a Course and indicates if they are incomplete (meaning they do not have curriculum tags assigned).
Go to Admin > System Reports.
Under Learning Event Reports click Learning Events by Course Missing Objectives.
Set the reporting start and finish date and time (required).
Organization should be set to the organization you are currently working in. Adjust if needed.
To add a course click the "Show List" button.
Click on the name of a course and click 'Add'.
To remove a course click on the course name, then click 'Remove'.
You can add and remove multiple courses at once by using your keyboard and mouse to select multiple from the list.
Click Generate Report and results will display inline.
Events with an IC in the far left column do not have curriculum tags assigned.
Events with a C in the far left column have curriculum tags assigned.
Note that an overall status of events with curriculum tags assigned (shown as a fraction and a percentage) is included.
Results can be downloaded as PDF or CSV.
For CSV downloads, information will download in one file per course, in the case that multiple courses are in use.
For PDF downloads, information for multiple courses will be in one file.
A report containing a list of all learning events and the associated Faculty Member.
Go to Admin > System Reports.
Under Learning Event Reports click Learning Events by Faculty Member.
Set the reporting start and finish date and time (required).
Organization should be set to the organization you are currently working in. Adjust if needed.
Check the 'Show child events' box if you want your report to include any recurring events that also had the parent-child flag applied to them (e.g., a recurring small group event where the content was identical for each group of learners but each event was taught by a different teacher).
Click Generate Report and results will display inline.
Teacher name, role, institutional id, event title, course code, course name, and event duration will be displayed.
Results can be downloaded as PDF or CSV.
Please note that these reports refer to course gradebook assessments, not the tasks administered through the Assessments and Evaluations module.
Improved in ME 1.21!
Updated the Student Objective Competency Report (now called the Student Competency by Curriculum Tag Report) to allow you to pick from any tag set in use on gradebook assessments.
This report provides an overview of all assessments entered into a course gradebook for a specific cohort. It provides assessment titles and descriptions for assessments grouped in the following ways: all formative assessments, all summative assessments, all narrative assessments, all narrative assessments that are also formative assessments, and all narrative assessments that are part of the final grade.
This report was created to help provide data for LCME Standard 9: Teaching, Supervision, Assessment, and Student and Patient Safety.
This report provides a table showing assessments, their descriptions, and the curriculum tags associated with those assessments for a defined course and curriculum period.
This report was created to help courses review their assessments and create blueprints to ensure that all curriculum tags assigned to a course are being appropriately assessed.
Note that this report displays the curriculum tags assigned to assessments via the gradebook edit assessment page in the Assessment Objectives section. If you have an exam entered into the gradebook and have used the exam module to build and tag assessment items, the system does not automatically mine exams and collect their tagged assessment items and apply those tags to the gradebook assessment entry. You'll still have to tag the gradebook assessment entry with the appropriate tags.
Additionally, this report shows only direct mappings (i.e., the tags assigned to a gradebook assessment, not those tags linked contextually or globally mapped to those tags).
Use the drop down selector to choose a curriculum period.
In the Courses Included section, click Show List to view additional courses. Click on a course title and click Add to include that course in your report.
You can select multiple courses at once by using your keyboard and mouse. (command and click on Mac)
Click Generate Report.
View results inline or download a CSV or PDF as desired.
Updated in ME 1.21 to allow you to select any existing tag set (instead of relying on a tag set defined in the language file as existed before).
This report shows Gradebook assessments by tag set for each learner selected in the selected cohort and the learner's grade on each assessment to assist with understanding a learner's performance by curriculum tag. Optionally, choose to include the average score per assessment by tag set for the selected cohort as well.
This report relies on the direct tagging of assessments within course Gradebooks. Only those tag sets assigned to gradebook assessments will provide results.
Report on one cohort of learners at a time (at the moment, this report does not permit reporting on course list type cohorts).
Select one or more curriculum tag sets to report on. They will be collapsed for the cohort and learner at first to permit you to choose which tag set you'd like to review first.
Choose whether or not to report on only those learners who achieved a score below your identified threshold by placing a checkmark in the Failing Students checkbox, then identify the threshold you wish to apply. Failing grades will be highlighted in red.
Download the results to a PDF or CSV file.
A report show course gradebook assessments that have not been tagged with any curriculum tags.\
The Curriculum Inventory Report can be used to submit your organisation's information to the AAMC curriculum portal. There is an Elentra Learn webinar about the CIR available on collaborate.elentra.org.
Note that before using your curriculum inventory reporting, it is recommended that you map your event types and assessment methods (aka assessment characteristics) to the MedBiquitous taxonomies. If you don't do this, unmapped event types will be excluded from the report and unmapped assessments will be reported as "Exam - Institutionally Developed, Written/Computer-based".
You can review an organisation's event types and assessment characteristics via Admin>System Settings. More information is in the System Settings help section.
Navigate to Admin>System Reports.
Scroll down to External Reports and click 'AAMC Curriculum Inventory Reporting'.
Click 'Create New Report'.
Complete the required information, noting the following: Reporting Period: There is no user interface to configure the reporting period. Report Title: This will be the display name in the list of reports in Elentra. Academic Levels: Indicate the curriculum layouts to be included in the report. When you provide the id of a proxy learner the system will only pull events for which that learner is an audience member.
Click 'Create New Report'.
Navigate to Admin>System Reports.
Scroll down to External Reports and click 'AAMC Curriculum Inventory Reporting'.
Click on the title of the report you wish to view.
Click 'Save XML'.
Save the file.
Upload file to the appropriate location.
For detailed AAMC CI Reporting Configuration documentation, proceed to the AAMC CI Reporting page.
New in ME 1.20!
A report showing the duty hours recorded by learners based on the selected course and date range.
Go to Admin > System Reports.
Under Clerkship Reporting, click Duty Hours Report.
Select one or more courses.
Set a report date range.
Click Download CSV(s).
The resulting CSV will show you the course, student first and last name, date, number of hours logged, type of hours (e.g., on call), and any comments entered.
Results will be separated by course if more than one course is selected.
Student Report Card
The student report card provides an overview of overall progress for an individual student. Please note that the information included in the report comes from gradebook assessments, not the Assessment and Evaluation module.
To use the Student Report Card:
Admin>System Settings Reports.
Scroll to the bottom of the list and click 'Student Report Card'.
Select a cohort.
Select a learner from the list.
Click 'Create Report'.
View the results inline or opt to Print Report as needed. The print version provides a pdf file.
Course Credit Available: This is populated based on the information provided on a course set up page under Course Credit.
Course Credit Received: If an overall grade of a course is equal to or greater than 50%, full credit will be received. If an overall grade less than 50%, no credit would be received. Note: A developer can set the appropriate passing grade for your installation of Elentra in the settings table (setting shortname: gradebook_passing_grade).