The collections tool allows you to group multiple assessments together in a course gradebook assessment list allowing for quick review of learner performance (e.g., all quizzes will show up beside each other).
Create the required assessments.
Tick the small boxes beside the assessments you want to add to a collection.
Click on “Add to Collection” at the bottom of the gradebook screen.
Provide a title and optional description for the collection.
Set the grading scale as necessary.
Set how to display grades for the collection to the learner.
Click '+Add to Collection'.
The collection will now display on the Assessments list.
To add additional assessments to an existing collection, tick the small box to the left of the assessments you want to add. Click on Add to Collection. Under Assessment Collection use the dropdown menu to select the appropriate collection title and click Add to Collection.
To deleted a collection, tick the small box beside the collection name and then click the red “Empty Collection” button at the bottom of the page.
Weighted Collections gives users the opportunity to create provide a total course weight for a selection of assessments (e.g. all quizzes will be worth a total of 20%) and then have Elentra automatically calculate the weight of individual assessments based on the total weight of the collection.
This development was initially designed to support schools using point totals (numeric grades) as the basis for multiple assessments.
Create the required assessments.
Tick the small boxes beside the assessments you want to add to a collection.
Click 'Add to Collection' at the bottom of the gradebook screen.
Provide a title and optional description for the collection.
Set the grading scale as necessary.
Set how to display grades for the collection to the learner.
Check the "This Collection is Weighted" option which will open additional options. Complete the information, noting the following:
Total Weight of the Collection in Course Gradebook: This should reflect how much you want this collection to be worth in the total gradebook (e.g. all quizzes will be worth a total 20% of the course gradebook)
Distribute Weight of Assessments Using: This allows you to specify how you'd like to calculate the weights on individual assessments added to the collection. The options are Numeric Points or Percentage.
If you select numeric points, you'll initially see the existing points total and weight for each assessment. When you enter a total weight for the collection, the weight of each individual assessment will automatically adjust.
If you select percentage, you'll initially see the original percentages assigned to each assessment. If you enter a total weight for the collection, you will need to change the weight of each assessment to total 100%. The Assessment Weight in the Course Gradebook will automatically be calculated.
Gradebook Assessments in Collection:
Numeric Points: You can adjust the points assigned to any assessment in the collection. This will override the previously entered points total.
Percentage: You can adjust the percentages which will override the percentage weights entered when creating the original assessment.
Click '+Add to Collection'.
The collection will now display on the Assessments list. The weight column will show the total collection weight beside the collection name and the weight within a collection for each individual assessment.
Note that Elentra allows a gradebook to have a total weight of more than 100%. Especially when using weighted collections, ensure your gradebook total weight is what you want it to be.
To edit an existing collection, click the pencil icon in the edit column to the right of the collection name.
It is only by editing assessments through the collection that you can change the numeric points or percentage and have it reflected in the collection. If you edit an individual assessment that is part of a collection, you can modify the points, but the weight will not automatically adjust.
You can attach an exam to a gradebook assessment from the gradebook or from an exam post. Doing this creates a link between the two so that exam grades will automatically populate the gradebook.
Please note that if you include questions in an exam that need to be manually graded (e.g., short answer), student grades will initially be calculated and displayed in the gradebook without including their possible points from those questions. As such, it is recommended that if you include manually graded questions, you delay the gradebook assessment visibility to learners until you know the exams will be graded.
To attach an exam to a gradebook assessment the exam must first be posted to an event in the appropriate curriculum period. The curriculum period for the gradebook and the event to which the exam is posted must match.
Create a gradebook assessment using the instructions in the Gradebook help section.
Click the checkbox beside Link existing online exam to this assessment.
Click 'Add Exam Post'.
Begin to type the name of the exam and select it from the displayed list.
Click 'Attach Exam Post'.
Note that you have a new item to configure which is exam scoring method. Your options are to: show average of all scores, show first score, show highest score, or show latest score in the gradebook. These options only apply if you set the exam to be taken multiple times by learners.
Set the other parameters for the assessment and click 'Save.' Note that you do not need to set graders for an exam in the gradebook assessment since you add graders to specific exam posts in the Exams module.
When the exam is completed and grading is complete (if required) the grades will automatically display in the gradebook.
It is possible to attach more than one exam post to a single gradebook assessment. This might be useful if you have two sections of learners writing the exam at different times but the grades will populate the same gradebook assessment.
Note that when you attach an exam to the gradebook from the edit assessment page, the system automatically determines the point total based on the number of questions on the exam (e.g. 5 questions = 5 points) if you are using a numeric marking scheme.
If you wish to attach an exam to a gradebook assessment from an exam post you will do so on Step 4:Feedback. *Attach GradeBook: Select an existing gradebook entry to attach the exam to (the list will prepopulate based on the course and event selected in earlier steps and the contents of the gradebook for the relevant curriculum period). Note that you can't set the exam scoring method from here; you must navigate to the gradebook assessment to do so.
When creating as assessment in the gradebook you can create a group assessment. This will allow learners to upload one assignment (if you use a drop box) on behalf of their whole group and when a grader grades the assignment, the grade will be applied to all group members.
If you use this tool, graders can still tweak individual grades after the group grade has been entered.
To use this feature, you must have course groups built. Please see the Course>Groups page for more detail.
In the 'Audience Options' section, assign the assessment to specific course groups (include all groups if an entire course is responsible for completing the assessment).
If you want learners in the same group to get the same grade, check the box.
Click the 'X' beside the search or somewhere outside the selection window to close it.
The selected groups will display on a list below the "Select Audience" dropdown.
To remove a group from the list, click the 'x' beside the group name.
Begin to type a grader name into the search field and when matches appear, click on the appropriate name and select Add.
You may add multiple graders to one assessment.
To assign groups to graders, click the checkbox beside multiple group names and click 'Assign Selected to Grader'.
In the popup window, click the checkbox beside the appropriate grader name click 'Assign Learner'.
The names of individual learners in each group should appear beside the grader name in the Grader/Assigned Learners table on the left.
To delete a learner from a grader's list, click the red minus icon. Note that the learner will not be added back to learner's list since it only shows groups. If you remove an individual learner from a grader's list you need to ensure the student gets graded some other way.