New in ME 1.19!
Teaching Report By Faculty Member By Course (hourly) (in Teaching Event Reports)
Learning Events by Course Missing Objectives (in Learning Event Reports)
Learning Events by Faculty Member (in Learning Event Reports)
Course Objectives by Events Tagged (COBET) (in Course Reports)
Student Objective Competency Report (in Assessment Reports)
Assessments without Tagged Objectives (in Assessment Reports)
Event Resources Time Estimates Report (in Curriculum Reports)
A variety of system reports are available to different users in Elentra. Some reports can be accessed from other screens, but most reports are accessed via Admin > System Reports.
Not all reports will be visible to all users and learners have no access to system reports (learners can access some reports on themselves depending on how you use Assessment and Evaluation).
Please note there are some specific reporting options for Courses, Course Websites, and Assessment and Evaluation. Please see the relevant help section for additional information on those reports.
A teaching report that shows how many hours faculty are teaching across all courses.
A teaching report that shows how many hours faculty are teaching in Clinical Skills, Expanded Clinical Skills, PBL, etc.
A teaching report that shows how many hours faculty are teaching in each Course, including data about event types.
A teaching report that shows how many hours faculty are teaching different Event Types broken down by department and division.
If you associate a faculty user with multiple departments please note that reports that rely on departments will attribute that faculty user effort to each department they are associated with.
Contact information for teachers who have taught between the selected time period.
The Curriculum Inventory Report can be used to submit your organisation's information to the AAMC curriculum portal. There is an Elentra Learn webinar about the CIR available on collaborate.elentra.org.
Note that before using your curriculum inventory reporting, it is recommended that you map your event types and assessment methods (aka assessment characteristics) to the MedBiquitous taxonomies. If you don't do this, unmapped event types will be excluded from the report and unmapped assessments will be reported as "Exam - Institutionally Developed, Written/Computer-based".
You can review an organisation's event types and assessment characteristics via Admin>System Settings. More information is in the System Settings help section.
Navigate to Admin>System Reports.
Scroll down to External Reports and click 'AAMC Curriculum Inventory Reporting'.
Click 'Create New Report'.
Complete the required information, noting the following: Reporting Period: There is no user interface to configure the reporting period. Report Title: This will be the display name in the list of reports in Elentra. Academic Levels: Indicate the curriculum layouts to be included in the report. When you provide the id of a proxy learner the system will only pull events for which that learner is an audience member.
Click 'Create New Report'.
Navigate to Admin>System Reports.
Scroll down to External Reports and click 'AAMC Curriculum Inventory Reporting'.
Click on the title of the report you wish to view.
Click 'Save XML'.
Save the file.
Upload file to the appropriate location.
New in ME 1.19
Event Resources Time Estimates Report
There are several curriculum reporting tools available in Elentra. These can be used to help provide feedback to the people or committees responsible for curriculum planning and review, to see a summary of linkages between curriculum tags, and to get an overview of a course's learning events.
To access system reports navigate to Admin > System Reports. Not all users have access to all reports and some reports are accessible from other locations. For example, the Curriculum Reports are available to some users from the Curriculum tab, and a modified version of the Learning Event Types report is accessible from the Admin > Manage Courses > Content page in the left sidebar.
The Curriculum Tag Mapping Report shows you mapped relationships between individual curriculum tags.
Click the down arrow to select a curriculum tag set.
Switch views as needed to see "Mapped To" and "Mapped From" relationships. If you have Tag A, and you went into Manage Curriculum and opened Tag A and linked other objectives to it, those relationships will show as "Mapped To" Tag A. Whereas if you opened Tag 26, and mapped Tag A to it, Tag 26 would show up under the "Mapped From" list when you look at Tag A.
The resulting list is available to print by clicking 'Print Report'.
Note that if you have a tag set with hierarchies this report can currently only show the first level of the hierarchy if it's mapped to anything. If it's not mapped you'll be able to drill down to the next level of the hierarchy and view it's linkages. This report does not have a curriculum map version selector at this time.
This report displays curriculum tags used in events and how much time can be attributed to each. The report divides the total event time by the number of curriculum tags assigned to the event and attributes an even amount of time to each assigned tag. If an event is 60 minutes and two curriculum tags were assigned to the event, each tag will be credited with 30 minutes. If an event is 60 minutes and three curriculum tags were assigned to the event, each tag will be credited with 20 minutes.
If you select one curriculum tag set and don't apply any additional setting options, you'll get a report like this:
The "Group By Additional Curriculum Tag Set(s)" option only applies if you have context-based linkages on the tags assigned to learning events in the selected course(s). The report can only support context-based linkages that are one level (e.g., Course Objective to Discipline). Additionally, the time attributed to each contextually linked tag will be half the amount of time attributed to the directly mapped tag.
If you apply different report options, your report will change. You can select more than one option.
Report on Learning Event Types: displays a table listing all event types in a course, and displays how much time in minutes within that event type was spent on each curriculum tags
Report on number of mappings: displays a list of curriculum tags in a course, their total count in a course and their total time in minutes and hours
Report on percentages: displays a list of all curriculum tags in a course and their total time represented as minutes, hours, and a percentage (of total course time allotted to curriculum tags)
Show pie charts: displays results of the applicable result in a pie chart (by default will show curriculum tags with minute and hour count). If you are filtering by an individual tag the pie chart view will be less useful since it will show 100% for the individual objective.
Export CSV: displays results of the applied settings in a CSV (by default will show curriculum tags with minute and hour count, if you want it to include other information click multiple checkboxes).
The Curriculum Review Report displays the event description, freetext objectives, curriculum tags, and hot topics assigned to events in a course. The Objective column displays curriculum tag titles and attempts to consolidate titles within a tag set to save display space. Instead of ME2.1a, ME2.1b, ME2.1c showing up you will see ME2.1a, b, c.
Hot Topics is a different feature than Curriculum Tag Sets and can be configured via Admin > System Settings. It acts like another taxonomy with which to tag learning events but is not available in all areas of the platform as a filter or reporting option. More information about Hot Topics can be found in the Curriculum help section.
This report respects the parent-child id if it has been applied to recurring events and therefore displays course information from the perspective of one learner enrolled in the course.
The Course Review Report was built prior to the units and context-based linkage options being available so under Objectives the report shows the objectives tagged to the event (but not additional objectives linked contextually).
This report is designed to help monitor the learning event types used within a course. It provides a summary in pie chart and table view that includes a list of event types, an event count, and an hour count displayed in hours and as a percentage. For each course you select you will also see an appendix where you can view each learning event title, type, date, and duration.
This report respects the parent-child id if it has been applied to recurring events and therefore displays course information from the perspective of one learner enrolled in the course.
This report allows you to report on the estimated times to complete resources attached to learning events. An oragnization must have a database setting enabled to input event resource time estimates: events_resource_display_time_estimate.
Select one or more courses
Click on the 'Course' bar and type in a course title to search as needed
Click on a course title to add it to the report
Remove a course by clicking it and pushing delete on your keyboard
Enter Report Start and End Dates
Indicate whether to include Required, Optional, or All resources types
Select the desired resource categories and resource types by checking off boxes
Click 'Create Report' or Download CSV
The resulting report will show you event dates, titles, and course and all the combinations of categories and resource types with the associated time for attached resources.
Please note that these reports refer to course gradebook assessments, not the tasks administered through the Assessments and Evaluations module.
New in ME 1.19!
Student Objective Competency Report
Assessments without Tagged Objectives
This report provides an overview of all assessments entered into a course gradebook for a specific cohort. It provides assessment titles and descriptions for assessments grouped in the following ways: all formative assessments, all summative assessments, all narrative assessments, all narrative assessments that are also formative assessments, and all narrative assessments that are part of the final grade.
This report was created to help provide data for LCME Standard 9: Teaching, Supervision, Assessment, and Student and Patient Safety.
This report provides a table showing assessments, their descriptions, and the objectives and MCC presentations tagged to those assessments within a course gradebook and for a specific cohort. The Objective column displays curriculum tag titles and attempts to consolidate titles within a tag set to save display space. Instead of ME2.1a, ME2.1b, ME2.1c showing up you will see ME2.1a, b, c. The curriculum tag set defined with the tag set title MCC Presentations appears in the last column.
This report was created to help courses review their assessments and create blueprints to ensure that all curriculum tags assigned to a course are being appropriately assessed. Note that this report displays the curriculum tags assigned to assessments via the gradebook edit assessment page in the Assessment Objectives section. If you have an exam entered into the gradebook and have used the exam module to build and tag assessment items, the system does not automatically mine exams and collect their tagged assessment items and apply those tags to the gradebook assessment entry. You'll still have to tag the assessment entry with the appropriate tags.
A report to show the gradebook assessments for each student that are tagged with an objective within each competency.
A report show course gradebook assessments that have not been tagged with any curriculum tags.
Student Report Card
The student report card provides an overview of overall progress for an individual student. Please note that the information included in the report comes from gradebook assessments, not the Assessment and Evaluation module.
To use the Student Report Card:
Admin>System Settings Reports.
Scroll to the bottom of the list and click 'Student Report Card'.
Select a cohort.
Select a learner from the list.
Click 'Create Report'.
View the results inline or opt to Print Report as needed. The print version provides a pdf file.
Course Credit Available: This is populated based on the information provided on a course set up page under Course Credit.
Course Credit Received: If an overall grade of a course is equal to or greater than 50%, full credit will be received. If an overall grade less than 50%, no credit would be received. Note: A developer can set the appropriate passing grade for your installation of Elentra in the settings table (setting shortname: gradebook_passing_grade).