When users log in they will see notices to them displayed in the message center on the dashboard.
Users can check the box beside a message and mark it as read to have it disappear from view. Users can click on Previously Read Messages to see older messages. They will be directed to a list of messages and can click on one to view it in detail.
New in ME 1.18!
The ability to optionally send an email in addition to a notice that appears in the Elentra ME Message Centre
Notices will be displayed to users on their dashboard in the Elentra ME Message Center and can optionally also be sent as emails. A notice can also be set to display publicly on the Elentra login page.
Staff:admin, staff:pcoordinator, and faculty:director users have access to Admin > Manage Notices. Staff:admin users will see all notices created in their organization, while staff:pcoordinator and faculty:director users will only see notices of which they are the authors.
Users are able to mark notices as read to make them disappear from the dashboard.
The option to send a notice as an email in addition to posting it to users' Elentra ME Message Center is a setting option in the database and must be enabled by a developer for you to use it (setting = 'notices_send_email', value=1).
Navigate to Admin > Manage Notices
Click 'Add New Notice'
Select the appropriate audience type from the dropdown menu. Depending on what you choose, an additional popup window will allow you to specify a cohort, course list, etc. Check off the groups/names required and click Close.
Copy and paste or enter the notice text.
Send Email now: Check this option if you wish to send an email to users in addition to posting a notice on their dashboard.
Provide an email subject.
Set the time release options. This will dictate when the notice becomes visible to users and how long it will remain on the Elentra ME Dashboard. After the end date, users will no longer be able to view the notice.
Please note that the time release option applies only to the notice posted to the dashboard and NOT the email. Emails, if in use, will be sent immediately upon saving.
Notice recipients will be bcc'ed on the message, and notices will be sent to the "primary email" on file for each included user.
The "from" email for the message will be the primary email for the user creating the notice (notice author).
If the email option is enabled and you click 'Save' again, you will resend the notice, whether or not it has been sent before.
Click 'Save'.
If you have enabled email, you will be prompted to confirm your action. Click 'Confirm'.
You will receive a green success message and be redirected to the Manage Notices page.
Please note that the name of the notice author will display to users when they view the notice.
Navigate to Admin>Manage Notices.
Search for and click on the notice you want to edit.
Edit the notice as needed and click Save.
Navigate to Admin>Manage Notices.
Check off the tick-box beside any notice you'd like to delete.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Delete Selected.
Deleting a notice will remove it from any user view and remove it from the list of notices in Manage Notices.
To see who or how many people have seen a notice, navigate to Admin > Manage Notices.
Staff:admin users will see all notices created in their organization, while staff:pcoordinator and faculty:director will only see notices of which they are the authors.
Search for and click on the notice you want to review.
Click 'View Notice Statistics'.
You will see a list of all users who have marked the message as read. Note that many users may have seen the message but not marked it as read.
Users can subscribe to an RSS feed of their notices. As an admin. you can view the existing RSS Notice Feeds by clicking on the appropriate audience in the left sidebar.
New in ME 1.18!
The ability to send the content of a notice as an email in addition to posting it to the Elentra ME Message Center.
The notices tool in Elentra allows authorized users (e.g., staff:admin, faculty:director) to post notices to the Elentra ME Message Centre on the user dashboard and to optionally send the same notice as an email. It is recommended that only general information and nothing sensitive or personal be communicated through these channels.
Be advised that notices sent via Admin > Manage Notices are separate from Announcements that can be posted in a community (or on a course website).