For use when you have clinical learning courses with block schedules and want an overview of those learners who had an approved leave during a specific block.
Select a curriculum period.
Select a block.
Click 'Download PDF'.
For use when you have clinical learning courses with rotation schedules and want an overview of those learners who had an approved leave during a specific rotation.
Set a date range.
Select one or more learners.
Set the report parameters regarding displaying description and comments.
Click 'Generate Report'.
Note that once generated, this report is available to download by clicking 'Download PDF'.
This report can be used by administrative staff to keep an inventory of distributions.
Select a report type. You can see an overview of distributions or individual tasks.
Select a course.
Set a date range.
Select a task type.
Select a distribution or an individual task (your option will depend on the first selection you made on the page).
Click 'Generate Report'.
From here you can search within the results or click on any distribution to see its progress.
Use to see an overview of who is set as a reviewer for distributed tasks. (When you create a distribution you can assign a reviewer who serves as a gatekeeper of completed tasks before they are released to be seen by their target. This is completed during the final step of a distribution. For additional information please see the Assessment and Evaluation>Distributions help section.)
More information coming soon.
This report functions like the report above but offers users a view of the report in the interface without requiring them to open a PDF.
Please see the next page for information on the Weighted CSV Report.
Users with access to Admin>Assessment and Evaluation will be able to view A&E reports. Generally this will include staff:admin, and staff:pcoordinator and faculty:director users assuming the staff:pcoordinators and faculty:directors are assigned to a specific course or program.
To view A&E Reports:
Click Admin>Assessment & Evaluation.
From the second tab menu, click on 'Reports'.
Reports are divided between evaluations, assessments (both based on the type of distribution selected), leave and distribution. As of ME1.13 these reports include data from distributed forms. If you also use triggered forms through the Competency Based Medical Education module note that these forms can be reported on through different tools including the Milestone Report and other aggregated reports available from the learner CBME dashboard.
Elentra includes a variety of reporting options through the Admin > Assessment & Evaluation tab. These reports reflect data collected through forms managed through distributions. To view reports for triggered forms when using the Competency Based Medical Education module, use the learner CBME dashboard. (More information about CBME reporting is available in the CBME section.) . One exception to this is if you are trying to report on form feedback from form built with form templates in CBME - that feedback is available through the Assessment Tools Feedback Report in the Assessments section.
A&E Reporting is an administrative reporting tool. Note the individual users may have access to their own reports via their Assessment & Evaluation button, but the availability of such reports depends on how distributions were set up.
When you create most reports you will have some additional options after selecting the appropriate course/faculty/learner/form, etc. These options allow you to customize the reports you run for different audiences.
As of ME 1.13 not all these options will actually display on all reports, despite the fact that you have the option to select them through the user interface. Please see each specific report for additional detail about what will or will not be visible.
Include Comments: Enable this option if you'd like the report to include narrative comments made on the selected form. Unique Commenter ID: If you select to include comments you'll see this option. It allows you to apply a masked id number to each assessor/evaluator. This can be useful to identify patterns in comments (e.g., multiple negative comments that come from one person) while protecting the identity of those who completed the form. Include Commenter Name: If you would like to display the names of commenters click on the checkbox. Include Description: If you click this checkbox you can give a description to the report. The text you enter will be displayed at the top of the report generated. Include Average: Click this checkbox to include a column showing the average score. Include Aggregate Scoring: If you enable the average, you'll have the option to also include a column with aggregate positive and negative scoring in some reports. This gives a dichotomous overview of positive and negative ratings.
The Evaluation Reports section will allow you to generate reports based on evaluations completed via distributions. Evaluation reports will not include commenter names, even if you check off the commenter name option when setting the report options.
This report is relevant only if your organization uses the Clinical Experiences rotation schedule. If you distribute course evaluations or other through a rotation based distribution, you can use this report to view results. Obviously the exact format of the report will depend on the form it is reporting on.
Select a course, date range, rotation, curriculum period and form.
Set the report parameters regarding displaying comments and averages.
Click 'Generate Report'.
This report will not include learner names, even if you check off the commenter name option when setting the report options.
For use with distributions completed by event type.
Set a date range.
Select Individual Events: Check this off if you want the ability to select individual events (otherwise you will have to report on all events).
Select the event type, distribution by a curriculum period, learning event and form.
This report will not include learner names, even if you check off the commenter name option when setting the report options.
Use this to report on feedback provided by participants when a feedback form is attached to an event as a resource.
Select a course, date range, event type, form and learning event (optional).
You will notice some extra report options for this type of report.
Separate Report for Each Event: This will provide separate files for each report if multiple events are selected to include.
Include Event Info Subheader: This will provide a bit of detail about the event being evaluated (title, date, and teacher).
This report can include an average and an aggregate positive/negative score. This report will not include learner names, even if you check off the commenter name option when setting the report options.
For use in viewing a summary report of learner evaluation of an instructor.
Select a course and set a date range.
Select a faculty from the dropdown menu by clicking on his/her name. Note that only faculty associated with the selected course in the given time period will show up on the list. Additionally, they must have been assigned as an assessor in another distribution in the organization. Please see additional information below.
Select a form and distribution (optional).
Set the report parameters regarding displaying comments and averages.
Click 'Download PDF(s)'.
This report will not include an average, even if you check of Include Average when setting the report options.
The way faculty names become available to select for this report is when the faculty member is also an assessor on a distribution in the organization. This is designed in part to protect the confidential nature of faculty evaluations and prevent staff from being able to generate reports on any faculty at any time. If your organization does not use assessments or you require reports on faculty whose names aren't available, please reach out to us and we can help you put a work around in place.
You may also be able to report on faculty evaluations by accessing an aggregated report from a specific distribution. Please see more detail in the Weighted CSV Report section in Distribution.
For use in viewing a summary report of learner evaluation of a course.
Select a course and set a date range.
Select a form and distribution (optional).
Set the report parameters regarding displaying comments and averages.
Click 'Download PDF(s)'.
This report will not include learner names, even if you check off the commenter name option when setting the report options. This report can include an average and an aggregate positive/negative score.
The Assessments Reports section mostly allows you to generate reports based on assessments completed via distributions. There are some exceptions, however most reports are for distributed forms.
New in ME 1.14 The Completed Assessments Report allows you to view how many tasks have been sent to an assessor and how many they have completed (for triggered tasks).
This report allows you to compile all assessments completed on a target in one or more courses into one or many files. It does not aggregate results, just compiles multiple forms.
Select a course, set a date range and select a course group (optional).
Select a learner.
Select a form (optional).
Click 'Download PDF(s)'.
Choose whether to download as one file (all forms will be stored in one file) or not (you'll download a file for each form).
A file will download to your computer with the appropriate forms included. Each form will include the target and assessor, delivery and completion date, form responses and comments, etc. The file names will be: learnerfirstname-learnerlastname-assessment-datereportrun-#.pdf. For example: earnest-acosta-assessment-20181005-1.pdf
Use this report to create an aggregated report on learner performance on a single form that may have been used multiple times and completed by multiple assessors. For this report, the list of learners available will depend on someone's affiliation with a course/program if they are a staff:pcoordinator or faculty:director.
Set the date range.
Select a learner.
Select a form.
Set the report parameters regarding displaying comments and averages.
Click 'Download PDF(s)'.
An average and aggregate positive and negative score are available with this report. This report will not include learner names beside comments, even if you check off the commenter name option when setting the report options.
Please note that if in the distribution for a form, you set comments to be identifiable, learners themselves will be able to view commenter names when they self-report the form results as seen below.
For use in reporting on tasks delivered to and completed by faculty. Report columns include the number of tasks delivered and completed as well as the average time to completion from delivery date and average time to completion from the end of the experience (e.g., a block) per user. It also provides an overall average across all users.
Select a course.
Set a date range.
If there were external assessors used you will have the option to include externals in the report or not.
Select one or more users by clicking the checkbox beside each required name. Please note that if you select all faculty it can take some time for all names to appear. Please be patient! To delete a user from the report click the 'x' beside the user's name.
Include Average Delivery Date: Enable this if desired.
Click 'Download PDF(s)'.
For use in collating responses provided by faculty completing forms produced through form templates in the competency-based medical education module. This report aggregates comments from forms that are sent out using a distribution. When logged in as an admin. you'll see a full list of all form feedback provided thus far display on the screen.
Set a date range.
Select a course from the dropdown options.
Select a tool from the dropdown options.
Click 'Apply Filters'.
Results will display on the screen and you can click 'Download PDF(s)' if you need to download a copy.
To begin a new search be sure to click 'Reset Filters' and select a new course and/or tool as appropriate.
You can click on the page icon to the right of the feedback column to view the form being referenced.
For use in monitoring the progress of faculty in completing the tasks assigned to them through triggered forms.
Select a course.
Set a date range.
Decide whether or not to include External assessors. (For many schools, this will be irrelevant as you do not yet have the ability to trigger tasks to external assessors.)
Select the relevant faculty.
Click 'Download CSV(s)'.
A csv file will download to your computer.
Most reports are currently available as PDFs.
Some screen shots of sample reports are posted below but remember that your reports will contain the items relevant to the forms you've designed and used. In some cases information has been redacted to protect users' privacy.
The Weighted CSV Report provides a csv file that includes the data collected through completed forms. It lists users who completed the form down the side and form items across the top. Inside each cell will be data from the form representing the scale ratings made by those who completed the forms. If your response descriptors include numbers (e.g. 1 - Overall, this instructor is an effective teacher.) note that those numbers will not necessarily be reflected in the csv.
It is important to note that the weighted CSV report was specifically designed to be used in conjunction with items using a rating scale (e.g. grouped items using a rubric), and allows you to create custom weights for scale response descriptors which get reflected in the report. There is currently no way to configure these weights through the user interface and you will need a developers help to assign weights to scale response descriptions in the database. (Developers, you'll need to use the cbl_assessment_rating_scale_responses table.)
If no weights are applied to the scale responses, the report defaults to assign a value of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 to the responses in a left to right order. In effect, the Weighted CSV Report will work best if the rating scale you apply to the items mimics a 0-4 value (e.g. Not Applicable, Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Agree, Strongly Agree).
You can access the Weighed CSV Report from two places: from the Assessment & Evaluation Reports tab or from an individual distribution.
To access the Weighted CSV Report from Admin>Assessment & Evaluation you must have general access to the Admin>A&E tools. Such access will usually apply to staff:admin, staff:pcoordinator, and faculty:director users when the staff:pcoordiantors and faculty:directors are affiliated with a course/program.
The weighted CSV report is accessible from the Admin>Assessment & Evaluation Reports tab.
Click Admin>Assessment & Evaluation.
From the second tab menu, click on 'Reports'.
Scroll to the bottom of the list and in the Distribution section and click on 'Weighted CSV Report'.
To access the Weighted CSV Report from an individual distribution you must have access to that distribution.
Click on Admin>Assessment & Evaluation.
From the first tab menu, click on 'Distributions'.
Search for or click on the title of the relevant distribution.
Click on the Completed Assessments card (far right).
Click on the Weighted CSV button under the Assessments Completed heading.
A file should download to your computer.