To access the logbook learners must be enrolled in a course that is marked as including clinical experiences, and has loggable curriculum tags configured with minimum requirements.
Learners have a separate page for each course they are enrolled in and can log entries for any course while its curriculum period is active.
A note on communicating logbook requirements with learners: As of ME 1.14 there is not a user interface that easily allows learners to see all details of all their requirements in one table. While learners can view how many entries have to be observed, how many have to be in a particular setting, etc. there is not a matrix view that shows them how these configurations interact. For that reason, you may find it useful to provide students with a table that shows them these requirements, especially if you have complicated logbook requirements.
Click 'Logbook' from the main tab menu.
Click the grey chevron to the right of a course name to switch courses. Click on the name of the course you want to log an entry for.
You'll see a list of curriculum tag sets that include loggable tags and an overview of the requirements for a specific tag set.
The percentage beside the tag name shows current completion.
Click on a label (e.g. Clinic) to view its details (e.g. 2 required, 0 completed). Grey labels show the entries required and green cards show the entries completed.
Click the plus icon on the right side of a tag to view overall completion.
Click the tag name or black chevron beside the tag name to view a list of existing entries.
Click on an entry to open your options. Click 'Show Entries' to view previously logged entries, or click 'Add Entry' to log something new.
Click 'Add Entry' at the top of the logbook.
Complete the information, noting the following:
Encounter Date: This is required and can be set to before the current date if a learner needs to log a past experience.
Encounter Time: This is automatically set to the time when the form was triggered but can be adjusted as needed.
Rotation: This will be preset with the course you were looking at but can be adjusted as needed.
Clerkship Site: Click anywhere in the bar to access a list of available sites, and then click on the appropriate site. (If no sites were configured for the course logbook this option will not appear.)
Patient Age Range and Gender: These will appear as default fields on all logging forms and Gender will automatically be 'Not Specified'.
Clinical Tasks: This is where the learner can indicate which tags they are logging with this form. Learners can add more than one tag to a form; if they do they will have a place to log the details for each tag.
Preceptor: This field will appear if an observer is required for this entry. Start typing a name to get a list of people, and then click on the appropriate name.
If a learner is logging multiple tags on one form, they will see a Global Preceptor option. This allows them to easily apply the same preceptor to all the tags (although they can still change the preceptor on a specific task).
Role: Click anywhere in the bar to access a list of available roles, and then click on the role that best describes what you did during this encounter.
Setting: Click anywhere in the bar to access a list of available settings, and then click on the setting in which you completed this encounter.
Users can clear the contents of a form by clicking the eraser icon.
Users will be asked to confirm their decision. Click 'OK' to confirm.
To deselect a task and remove it from the logging form click the small x beside the eraser icon.
Users will be asked to confirm their decision. Click 'OK' to confirm.
Click 'Save'. You will get a success message and the entry will be added to your list of logged entries.
Access the Logbook tab from the main tab menu.
Select a course for which you have logbook requirements.
You’ll see an overview of the requirements for each loggable objective (e.g. setting names, roles, etc.). Click on a specific label to see your requirements and progress within that category.
Click the + icon on the right of the card to expand it and view the overall count of logged entries.
Click the down chevron to view a list of all logged entries within that requirement.
If a top level card is the title of a hierarchical tag set, you’ll see multiple objectives within that set when you expand the card. Click the down chevron beside an objective to view a list of all logged entries for that objective.
From the detailed view shown immediately above, click on the pencil icon in the left column of the entry.
Make any required changes and click 'Update'; you can also delete the entry from this screen.
You will get a success message confirming your action.
We released a version of logbook in ME 1.13 but ME 1.14 adds several features, including reporting options, and makes a few other changes to how the logbook should be set up. Please carefully check which version of Elentra you are using before you proceed!
The logbook module in Clinical Experiences allows an administrator to define requirements like number of entries, learner role in the experience, and the setting of the encounter.
Several steps are required to use the logbook:
Build a new curriculum tag set and flag each applicable tag as "loggable" (complete via Manage Curriculum).
Set a course as including clinical experiences and assign the appropriate curriculum tags to the course (complete via Manage Courses>Setup tab).
Define the requirements for each loggable encounter (complete via Manage Courses>Logbook tab).
Have learners complete and log encounters (learners access this via the Logbook tab on the main menu).
Navigate to Admin>Clinical Experiences.
You will land on the My Learners tab but in case you don't, click the 'My Learners' tab under the Clinical Experiences heading.
Each learner card displays the learner name, email, photo and institutional id.
Search for a learner as needed, and if you can't find someone, ensure that you are in the correct curriculum period using the dropdown menu on the right.
After finding the correct learner, you'll be able to access pages relevant to this learner. Options you might see include Assessments, Logbook, Lottery, CBME, and Leave Tracking.
Note that you can download enrolment from the My Learners tab.
Elentra supports a variety of features to support clinical learning experiences. Granular Clinical Scheduling and the Clinical Lottery modules have been added to version ME 1.15.
Main features:
Logbook for documenting clinical tasks during rotations and clerkship
Clinical Lottery for determining a learner's preference for rotation positions
Rotation Scheduling for clinical events
Electives for clerkship students
Leave Tracking
To make curriculum tags available as loggable you must flag them as such in Manage Curriculum. If a tag is not set as loggable you will still be able to assign it to a course, but it will not be visible under the course Logbook tab.
Unlike ME 1.13, you can now use a curriculum tag set that has 1 or 2 hierarchical levels for logging. The maximum level of hierarchies for the logbook curriculum tag set at this time is 2 levels. Any further levels will not be shown in the UI. See images displaying curriculum tag hierarchy at the bottom of the page.
You must be a user with administrative role permissions to edit curriculum tags.
New in ME 1.14 you can set an entire tag set to loggable at once!
Navigate to Admin>Manage Curriculum.
Click 'Curriculum Tags' from the Manage Curriculum card on the left sidebar.
Click the checkbox beside the appropriate curriculum tag set.
Click 'Make all loggable' below the list of tag set titles.
To set all tags within a tag set as not loggable, click 'Make all unloggable'.
If you wish to specify that certain curriculum tags within a tag set are loggable and others aren't, you must individually set each tag as loggable.
Navigate to Admin>Manage Curriculum.
Click 'Curriculum Tags' from the Manage Curriculum card on the left sidebar.
Click on the appropriate curriculum tag set.
In list view, hover over a curriculum tag and click the pencil icon to edit the tag. In table view, click the pencil icon to edit the tag.
Click the checkbox beside "This curriculum tag should be loggable in the Experience Logbook."
Click 'Save'.
Tags set as loggable will be available to any course to which they are assigned as course objectives.
In this sample the entire tag set is called Logbook Objectives. The Logging Categories (Level 1 hierarchy) are Entrustable Professional Activities, Tasks/Procedures, and Encounters.
Each of the level 1 categories have additional tags nested underneath them.
If you have a 2+ level hierarchical tag set and are manually inputting additional tags note that the children nested beneath a top level tag will inherit the loggable setting of that tag. For example, if the entire Entrustable Professional Activities
Staff:admin users as well as staff:pcoor and faculty:directors affiliated with a specific course will be able to access Admin > Clinical Experience and the logbook.
Navigate to Admin>Clinical Experience.
Click on the Logbook tab below the Clinical Experience header.
By default the page will load one course and its most recent curriculum period, as well as 'Learners who have incomplete logbooks'.
The way this works is that the system checks learners’ rotation schedules and sees which rotation the learner is currently scheduled in. If learners are half way through a rotation but have less than 50% of the logging requirements complete, they are deficient. (Note a developer can change this threshold in the database as required.)
If a learner is for some reason enrolled in two blocks within the same rotation, the system will take the dates of the second block to measure completion.
You can change the filter options or search for an individual learner.
Filter by course to view all learners enrolled in a course. Note that you can apply multiple courses so carefully check you’ve included the ones you want. After you select a course, you can set the appropriate curriculum period.
Filter by cohort to view all learners in a cohort.
To remove a course or cohort from the list, click the small ‘x’ beside the course/cohort name.
Once you see learner cards, click the + icon on the right to see an overview of all the learner's courses and their logbook count in each.
Click ‘View Details’ on a learner card to open a new tab from which you can download a CSV of the learner’s logged entries in each course or view details inline.
Click ‘View Details’ on a course card to see an overview of progress.
From each objective you can click the + icon to see an overview, and then click ‘View entries’ to see a list of individual logged entries.
Download a CSV of what you view on your screen at any point.
CSV will include: learner name, learner #, learner email, list of courses and number of pending entries for each course.
Some CSV options will offer you two download versions:
Course overview: Show total count of required and logged entries organized by course.
This will include learner name, learner #, learner email, course name (called rotation), objective, required, and logged.
Course entries: List all logged entries for the learner with details like date, role, setting, etc.
This will include learner name, learner #, learner email, course name (called rotation), objective, required, logged, encounter date, patient age range, patient gender, role, setting, site, preceptor, and notes (called reflection).
In both ME1.13 and ME 1.14, the logbook can only be used if you use the traditional method of assigning course objectives, not the quick tag selector option (images below to help you know which you use).
After curriculum tags are set as loggable, they must be assigned to a course and the requirements for each tag defined.
To assign objectives to a course you must have administrative role permissions; the task is completed via Admin>Manage Courses on the Setup tab of a course. Remember, for both ME 1.13 and ME 1.14 you can't use the logbook if you use the quick tag selecto
You can find more detail about the steps required to assign objectives to a course on the Course Setup help page but one important detail to note is that you need to pay attention to how you assign the objectives depending on whether you have a tag set with a one or two level hierarchy.
If you have a one-level tag set, you should assign each individual curriculum tag that you intend to require logging for.
If you have a two-level hierarchy and you want to include all of the second level curriculum tags, you should assign the top level objective to the course, not the subset of objectives. In the example below, note that Entrustable Professional Activities is added to the course, but EPA 1, 2, 3, and 4 are not checked off. They will be added automatically. If you have a two-level hierarchy and you want to include only some of the level 2 curriculum tags, then you should individually select them.
New in ME 1.14! You can now configure requirements for each individual curriculum tag at a more granular level (e.g. specify the role and setting requirement for each tag within a set).
You have the option to define course sites, entry requirements, roles, and settings (called Environments on the admin. side) for all loggable tags. The options you define will dictate the requirements learners have to fulfill and also what options display to them when they create an entry by using a logging form.
Entries lets you define how many encounters a learner is required to have for a tag or tag set, as well as whether notes or an observer (of learner performance) is required.
Roles lets you define in what capacity a learner participated in an encounter; learners will pick from this list when they log an entry.
Environment lets you define the settings a learner can pick from when they log an entry.
Whether you are working with a 1 or 2 level hierarchy tag set will impact what you see in the user interface.
On a Course Logbook tab you'll see a list of objectives assigned to a course. Remember that the way you configured a tag set (level of hierarchies) and how you assigned objectives to a course will impact how this list displays.
Here's what I assigned to the course:
And here's how the logbook objective configuration shows up:
Navigate to Admin > Manage Courses.
Click on the name of a course and then the Logbook tab, OR click the menu cog to the right of the course name and select Logbook.
Make sure you are working in the correct curriculum period, or switch it if necessary.
Click 'Edit' beside any curriculum tag or tag set to set its configuration.
If working with a 2 level hierarchy tag set, click the plus icon on the 'Overall configuration for <tag set title>' to open the overall configuration options. This allows you to apply a default configuration to all tags in a set and then make individual changes as needed.
Define the settings you want as a default, noting the following:
Require Notes: If you check this off, the learner will be required to include notes (which could be a reflection) when they log an entry for this tag.
Require Observer: If you check this off, the learner will be required to indicate the name of the person who observed them when they log an entry for this tag.
Min: Use the plus and minus buttons to indicate if there is a minimum number of encounters required for this tag.
If using a 2 level hierarchy tag set, the notes and observer setting in the Overall configuration will apply to all included nested tags, however, the Min. set here is for the total number of encounters for the set.
Click 'Apply'.
You will see a success message.
If you are using a 2 level hierarchy tag set, the Overall configuration menu will collapse and you can adjust the entry requirements for individual tags as needed (e.g. remove notes requirement from a certain tag, or indicate specific minimum numbers for individual tags).
Click 'Apply' for each tag when complete.
Click 'Close'.
On the Roles tab you can define whether or not a learner is required to indicate the role they played in an encounter. The default options are observed, performed with help, and performed independently.
Click 'Edit' beside a tag/tag set.
If you are using a 2 level hierarchy tag set, click the plus icon beside the tag set name to reopen the Overall configuration menu, then click on 'Roles' to apply a default setting to all tags.
Check off 'Require Roles', this will open a list of roles to select from.
Check off each role that you want to include for a tag; when you do this you will have the option to set a minimum required number as needed.
Click 'Apply'.
You will see a success message.
If you are using a 2 level hierarchy tag set, the Overall configuration menu will collapse.
To adjust the role settings for an individual tag, click on 'Settings'. This will open another menu (you should see your default settings already applied). Adjust the role options and requirements for individual tags as needed.
Click 'Apply' for each tag when complete.
You will get a success message.
Click 'Close' to collapse the card.
On the Environments tab you can define whether or not a learner is required to indicate the setting of an encounter, and specify the environments available to learners when they log entries. The default options are displayed below.
Click 'Edit' beside a tag/tag set.
If you are using a 2 level hierarchy tag set, click the plus icon beside the tag set name to reopen the Overall configuration menu, then click on 'Environments' to apply a default setting to all tags.
Check off 'Require Environment/Settings'; this will open a list of roles to select from.
Check off each role that you want to include as an option for a tag; when you do this you will have the option to set a minimum required number as needed.
Click 'Apply'.
You will see a success message.
If you are using a 2 level hierarchy tag set, the Overall configuration menu will collapse.
To adjust the role settings for an individual tag, click on 'Settings'. This will open another menu; click 'Environments' (you should see your default settings already applied). Adjust the environment options and requirements for individual tags as needed.
Click 'Apply' for each tag when complete.
You will get a success message.
Click 'Close' to collapse the card.
You can reopen a curriculum tag card at any time to view a summary of all the minimum requirements you've configured for a tag or tag set. Learners will see similar tags on their logbook entry pages.
In the example below the tag requires 5 entries to be logged in total, and the minimum requirements are that 1 is in the clinic, 1 in an emergency setting, etc. It is possible to a learner to fulfill multiple requirements with one logged entry (e.g. a task performed with help in an emergency setting). Please see the note here about communicating logbook requirements to leaners.
At the bottom of the Logbook page you can define sites available to learners when they log entries for a course. Your options will depend on the sites defined in Manage Locations. Please see more detail on the System Settings>Location help page.
Click anywhere in the 'Select a site' bar.
Hover over a site name and click on it or press Enter to add a site to the list.
Sites will display in the order added to the Course Sites list.
To remove a site from the list click the small 'x' beside the site name.
Click 'Save'.
You will get a success message.
The Lotteries Overview is the landing page for Elentra's Lottery module, and consists of a stacked list of all existing lotteries (represented as separate ) that are associated with the currently selected curriculum period.
At the top of the lotteries overview is a dropdown selector labelled Term & Curriculum Period. Lotteries are always bound to a specific curriculum period. To view the list of existing lotteries, or to create a new lottery you must first select a curriculum period.
Once a curriculum period is selected, a stacked list below will be populated with any existing lotteries, and the inline Add Lottery button will become enabled, allowing the admin to create a new lottery.
Note: If the currently selected curriculum period has ended, the Add Lottery button will be disabled, and any existing lottery cards will be unavailable for editing.
Each lottery associated with the selected curriculum period will be represented in this list as an individual . Just above this list of cards, there are controls for searching through and sorting the list of lotteries. To search for a specific lottery by name, you may use the Search Lotteries input field, or adjust the Sort By selector to arrange the list in ascending or descending order, by either the title or date.
While the full process of using the Elentra Lottery module has many steps on the way to generating a published schedule, the first of these steps is fairly simple, and that is to create a Lottery. In the context of this module, a lottery acts as a container, that defines an audience of learners and is tied to a specific curriculum period. In order to create a new lottery, we first need to navigate to the Lottery module in Elentra, then select the curriculum period to which the lottery belongs.
To navigate to the Lottery module on your Elentra installation, click Admin > Clinical Experience, then click the Lotteries tab link, which will take you to the Lotteries Overview. Select the desired curriculum period from the dropdown selector labelled Term & Curriculum Period, then click the Add Lottery button.
This action will open the lottery creation form, which will prompt you for some details in order to proceed. Start by providing a descriptive Title, then move on to the Visibility Date and Visibility Time, which determines when the audience of learners will be able to see the lottery in their My Lotteries dashboard.
The title of a Lottery will eventually be displayed to Learners in their My Lotteries dashboard, so make sure to choose a helpful and unique title.
Next, you'll need to select a Draft Schedule to import. The lottery schedule will act as a working copy of the schedule specified here. The audience of learners and available rotations are automatically determined by the schedule chosen for import. Once ready, click the Confirm button, then once again for the confirmation modal that will pop up.
After the process completes, you will be returned to the Lotteries Overview, where you will now see your newly created Lottery card in the list. You're now ready to create a Stage for the Lottery.
Each lottery that appears in the stacked Lotteries List is represented as a separate Lottery Card, which provides administrators with useful controls, and information about the status and details of a lottery.
A lottery card is divided into three parts - a header, a body, and a footer. The card header showcases the administrator-provided title of the lottery, and off to the right-hand side, a toggle that expands or collapses the lottery card. An upward-pointing chevron icon means the lottery has been expanded, while a downward-pointing chevron indicates the lottery is in its collapsed, default state.
When a lottery card is in its default, collapsed state, a simple set of meta information is displayed. This meta information consists of two separate counts, one for the number of stages contained in the lottery and another for the total number of learners in the lottery's audience.
When a lottery card is expanded by clicking the downward-pointing chevron button at the right of the card header, a new content window will appear within the card. This content window is comprised of two content tabs, Schedule and Stages, which allow the admin to view more in-depth information about the lottery.
The Schedule tab displays the lottery's working schedule which is comprised of unique, stacked rows, one for each learner in the audience. Each learner row displays a combination of all their pre-existing rotations, plus any new rotations that have been assigned to the learner. These newly assigned rotations are typically added when a stage has been drafted, and one of the drafted Schedule Variations is merged into the lottery's schedule.
When the administrator is ready to publish the lottery's working schedule, they may use the action button below the rotation schedule, labelled Publish Schedule. This button action has a confirmation dialogue modal to prevent accidental merges.
The Stages tab contains a condensed summary of all stages associated with the lottery. Stages are listed in compact, stacked rows that state clearly the type of stage, their current status, and information on stage timing (this is presented slightly differently depending on whether the stage is upcoming, active, or has closed).
When a stage's current status is "Open", this means that the stage is available to learners at that time. In the case of any open stages, additional information is provided in the form of a progress bar and a button-activated modal. The progress bar displays as a linear gauge that represents the total number of lottery audience learners, relative to the number of them that have submitted their rankings. Clicking the View Learner Status button to the right of the progress bar opens the modal, which allows an administrator to see in greater detail which learners have submitted and which learners haven't.
The card footer contains several action buttons. On the right side are Edit and Delete buttons, and on the left there is a Manage Stages button, which will open up the Stages Overview for that lottery.
Each Lottery Card has its own Edit button. When this button is clicked, the selected lottery will be opened in a form similar to the one used when Creating a Lottery, with the existing data pre-populated. Only the Title, Visibility Date, and Visibility Time fields will be editable, as once a lottery has been created, the Draft Schedule may not be changed.
Note: While the Visibility Date and Visibility Time fields will be editable, modifying these dates is highly discouraged, as it can cause unexpected behaviour, especially for lotteries further along in the process of building and executing stages.
Each Lottery Card also has its own Delete button. When this button is clicked, a confirmation dialogue box will be shown, to verify that the lottery should indeed be deleted. A warning notice will be displayed above a minimalistic summary outlining all of the associated stages, that will be deleted along with the lottery if the Confirm button is selected.
The Stages Overview is reached by clicking the Manage Stages button in the footer of a Lottery Card. It is a focused view that displays a list of all existing stages (represented as separate Stage Cards), which are associated with the selected lottery.
A simplified version of the selected lottery card appears at the top of the page, and just above that is a Lotteries link with a backwards-facing chevron button, which when clicked will return the administrator back to the Lotteries Overview.
Each stage associated with the selected lottery will be represented in this list as an individual Stage Card. Just above this list of cards, there are controls for searching through and sorting the list of stages. To search for a specific stage by type, you may use the Search Stages input field, or adjust the Sort By selector to arrange the list in ascending or descending order, by either the title or date.
An Option is an ordered sequence of rotations with some variance in rotations or timing. These options are built using the options builder located in the Options Overview. When a stage is "Open", the options will be presented to learners in a stacked list, which they will then rank in numerical order of preference. Once learners have submitted their preferences and the stage has closed, the drafting algorithm then uses their ranked, preferential data in its attempts to build schedule variations that grant the highest number of learners their most desired choices.
When the admin is building Options, they appear as individual rows in the Options Builder.
When a Learner is ranking the Options in order of preference in the Ranking Interface, they appear as separate, numbered cards with several controls. When a Learner-side Option card is checked, two chevron-icon buttons will appear, allowing the Learner to nudge the checked Option(s) up or down.
Elentra's Lottery module is designed to streamline the process of generating a rotation schedule for the clinical portion of the curriculum. The module provides administrators with the ability to create, manage, and configure lotteries, while also providing learners with the opportunity to provide feedback by ranking and submitting their preferences. Each lottery incorporates its learners' preferences into a processing algorithm, which can be run one or more times, with each variation creating a draft schedule that tracks the level of calculated learner satisfaction. Resultant draft schedules may then be compared based on their learner satisfaction scores and manually edited as needed, and once an administrator has reviewed their chosen draft schedule, it can be published as the finalized schedule.
The following is a high-level example of the process an organization may go through when configuring and running a lottery using the Elentra module.
Create a Lottery for a specified curriculum period, providing a title and visibility date, then selecting a draft schedule to determine its audience and available rotations.
Schedule a Stage within the created Lottery by setting the date and time when it should be available to learners to provide their preferences.
Create a series of Options for the Stage, one for each different arrangement of scheduled rotations.
The scheduled Stage opens on its specified date and time.
While the Stage is open, each learner logs in and ranks the Options in order of which ones they prefer the most.
The Stage closes on its specified closing date and time.
The Stage is then manually executed with a set number of variations. For each variation, a potential draft schedule is generated, incorporating the learners' ranked preferences and schedule availability.
The variations are reviewed to determine which is the most viable, with the highest learner satisfaction. The chosen variation is merged into the Lottery's working schedule.
The Lottery's working draft schedule is reviewed and published.
Curriculum Period: a period of time that defines the beginning and end of a curriculum.
Lottery: a container associated with a specific curriculum period that defines an audience and contains one or more stages.
Audience: the collection of learners that will be scheduled by the lottery processing. The audience is determined by the initial draft schedule that is selected when creating a lottery.
Learner: a single audience member.
Stage: each stage is contained within a parent lottery, and defines the period of time when it will be "open" for the lottery's audience of learners to rank that stage's options, in order of preference. After a lottery has closed, a stage may then be executed, transforming the learners' submitted preferences into partial rotation schedules that are merged into the final working schedule.
Working Schedule: each lottery has its own working copy of a rotation schedule, which is populated through the process of executing stages.
Option Type: options can be created as one of two different types to provide flexibility. The option type to be used is specified when creating a stage:
Sequential: each option created within the stage will consist of a stream of multiple blocks, in varying arrangements.
Singular: each option created within the stage will consist of a single block
Option: an ordering of one or more clerkship blocks, also known as a stream, track, grid, or group. Options are defined by an administrator and later ranked by learners in order of their preference. If a stage is set to “Singular” mode, each option will contain one block, whereas with “Sequential” mode, each option can contain multiple Blocks in varying arrangements.
Ranking: when a stage is open, each learner in the audience is tasked with reviewing the stage's options and submitting their preferred ranking. This list that maps the options to their ordered preferences is a learner's ranking.
Block: defines the specific period of time and optionally, the location where a learner will complete some form of task or content related to a particular course.
Slot: a slot defines the site and occupancy spaces available for a block. Blocks can have multiple slots, each of which may define their own minimum and maximum number of spaces.
Space: represents an actual vacancy within a slot, and serves as the link that allows learners to be assigned to a specific rotation within a schedule.
Site: the physical location where a rotation takes place. Each block within an option may specify one or more sites where the rotation may occur.
Variation: a variation is the result of an executed stage. Each variation represents a partial rotation schedule that the admin can review and adjust, or merge into the lottery's working schedule.
Satisfaction Rating: this is a percentage rating value that shows how close a variation was to the ideal scenario, where every learner received their top choice. The higher this value, the higher the number of learners who received their preferred option.
Once you've for your specified curriculum period, your next step should be to create a Stage. To get started from the , click the Manage Stages button on your Lottery Card. This will take you to the , which displays a simplified card representing the Lottery you are currently focused on, and a list of stages underneath it, called the .
Once you've arrived in the Stages Overview, click the action button off to the right-hand side, labelled Schedule a Stage. This will open up the form for scheduling a stage.
To set a date and time, begin by clicking the calendar icon to the right of the date input. This will open a small calendar. Click on any valid day to set the desired date. You can use the single chevron arrows on either side of the current month to navigate to the previous or next month, while the doubled chevron arrows will achieve the same result, but for the year.
You may also edit the time of day by using the H (hour) and M (minute) drop-downs to select the desired 12-hour time, and use the button group to the right to toggle between AM and PM.
Each stage that appears in the stacked is represented as a separate Stage Card, which provides administrators with useful controls, and information about the status and details of a stage.
A stage card is divided into three parts - a header, a body, and a footer. The card header displays the type of stage (Sequential, Singular, or Site), and off to the right-hand side, a toggle that expands or collapses the stage card. An upward-pointing chevron icon means the stage has been expanded, while a downward-pointing chevron indicates the stage is in its collapsed, default state.
The body of a stage card contains information pertaining to the timeframe and duration of the stage, as well as a Status Badge that indicates what state the stage is currently in. When the stage card is expanded, by clicking the downward-pointing chevron button at the right of the card header, a text input field becomes visible, where administrators may add any pertinent Notes.
The footer of a Stage Card contains several buttons and controls, most of them context-specific. Because these controls are context specific, and are determined by the stage status, a list of these possible statuses is provided below, along with screenshots of each card's appearance.
The Stage is currently lacking any administrator-defined Options. You may Edit or Delete the Stage, or click to begin creating for Learners to rank.
The Stage has one or more Options defined, and is awaiting its open date. You may add or modify existing Options before then by clicking the Manage Options button, or Edit/Delete the Stage if necessary.
The ranking process has ended, and drafting of Schedule Variations may be initiated. As Learners have already ranked their Options, you may only View Options, with the Options Overview presented in its read-only, non-modifiable state. Your next step is to specify the number of Schedule Variations to generate (1 - 5) based off of the Learner feedback, and click the Draft Schedule(s) button to initiate the drafting process.
Drafting has commenced and the algorithm is in the process of generating Schedule Variations. All controls will be locked down until the drafting process has completed.
The drafting process has generated at least one viable Schedule Variation. You may still View Options (presented in their read-only state), or click Redraft Schedule(s) to generate a specified number of new Schedule Variations. If you do not need to perform a redraft, clicking Review Schedules will allow you to review the generated Schedule Variations.
The drafting process did not generate any viable Schedule Variations. This means the specified number of Schedule Variations were generated, however none of the variations are viable (inviability is usually due to a variation having one or more Learners who could not successfully be scheduled any rotations). You may View Options to inspect them in a read-only state, Review Schedules to check the variations to see where they went awry, Delete the Stage, or Redraft Schedule(s) to try again.
A Schedule Variation from the drafting process has been merged into the Lottery's working schedule. You may View Options in their read-only state or Delete the Stage.
This form will prompt you for some details in order to proceed. The first step is to determine which Stage Type should be used. For the 1.15.0 release of Elentra ME, the only option is "Sequential", which means that each will be comprised of a sequence of rotations. In future updates, you will be able to choose alternatives to "Sequential", such as "Singular" (each Option consists of a single rotation), or "Site" (learners rank their preferred sites for rotations, as opposed to Options containing rotations).
Moving on from the Stage Type field, you'll need to set a couple of date and time pairs, one for the Start Date/Time, and another for the Close Date/Time. These two moments in time represent the range of time that the stage will be available to learners. When the value set for the Start Date/Time is reached, the stage's status will change to "Open" and learners will begin the process of logging in and ranking the Options that have been created for the stage. This means that you should always ensure that you schedule a stage's starting point far enough in advance that you have enough of time to beforehand.
The Notes field is entirely optional, but provides administrators with a handy place to add any additional, relevant information that they feel is helpful. Once ready, click the Confirm button. After the process completes, you will be returned to the , where you will now see your newly created in the list. As indicated by the status badge ("Options Required"), you're now ready to start .
The Stage is open to learners so they can provide their Option rankings. Because Learners are actively ranking the Options, the button to navigate to the is labelled as View Options, and will take you to the overview in a read-only, non-modifiable state.
Each has its own Edit button. When this button is clicked, the selected Stage will be opened in a form similar to the one used when , with the existing data pre-populated. All fields except for the Stage Type will be editable.
Note: Much like when editing a lottery's visibility date and time, modifying the open and close dates for a stage can sometimes cause unexpected behaviour, such as when one stage is rescheduled such that it overlaps another. Be cautious when adjusting the scheduled window during which the stage will be open to learners.
Each also has its own Delete button. When this button is clicked, a confirmation dialogue box will be shown, to verify that the stage should indeed be deleted. A warning notice will be displayed above a minimalistic summary outlining all of the associated Options that will be deleted along with the stage, if the Confirm button is selected.
The Options Overview is reached by clicking the Manage Options button in the footer of a . It is a focused view that displays a schedule-based interface for building the options that learners will eventually be ranking in order of preference.
A simplified version of the current lottery card appears at the top of the page, and just above that is a Lotteries link with a backwards-facing chevron button, which when clicked will return the administrator back to the . Similarly, below the simplified lottery card is a simplified stage card representing the focused stage, and a chevron button and Stages link to return the admin to the .
The core of the Managing Options interface is the option builder. Each row of the builder corresponds to one . Clicking any blank entry in the option row will open the form for Adding a Rotation, while clicking on an existing rotation in the row will display information about that rotation, and prompt the administrator to either or the rotation, if necessary.
Above the option builder on the right side, there is a button to Add Option rows to the builder. Each option also has a checkbox in the left-most column, and checking one or more of these inputs enables the action buttons below, which can be used to Delete or Duplicate the selected item(s).
Note: When more than one option is checked, only the Delete action will be enabled. Duplication may only be initiated on one checked option at a time.
While the Options Overview is designed to allow administrators to build and customize options for learners to rank, there are certain scenarios where modifying the options would cause undesired behaviour. For this reason, when viewing the Options Overview, certain stage statuses will cause the overview to be rendered in a read-only, non-modifiable state. One such case where this occurs is when the stage is open to learners, to prevent the options from changing while they are in the process of being ranked by the learners.
As you progress through building your Options, the will appear as coloured cells in their respective Option's row. If you need to modify an individual option rotation, simply click on its coloured block in the timeline, and a context menu popover will be displayed, showing additional information about the rotation and some action buttons.
Clicking the Edit action button will open a form very similar to the one used to add a new option rotation, that will allow you to modify the chosen option rotation. You will be unable to Filter by Block, however all other controls are enabled, allowing you to change to a different rotation or block by length.
In the context menu popover that appears when a cell is clicked, there is also an Add Rotation button that is useful if you need to add multiple rotations that share the same time frame.
Clicking this button will display the Adding Rotation form. Any cells that occupy the same space in the timeline will be stacked, dividing and sharing the height of their row.
Much like the process for editing an option rotation, to delete one you must first open the context menu popover by clicking on the option rotation you would like to remove. When the popover is displayed, select the Delete button. A confirmation dialogue will be displayed, asking you to confirm your decision. Click Cancel to back out of the action, or Confirm to proceed with deletion.
After creating and scheduling a Stage, your primary task is to create before the stage opens, so that Learners will have a variety of choices once it does. On any Stage Card that has not opened yet, there will be a Manage Options button, which you can click to arrive at the .
From there, you should click the Add Option button to create your first Option, which will appear below, in an interface that looks and behaves similarly to Elentra’s rotation scheduler.
In this Options Builder interface, each row represents a separate Option, and the right column of the interface represents a timeline of the curriculum period divided visually as Blocks.
Rotation blocks are added by administrators to each Option, along their respective linear rows in the timeline, thereby creating different sequences of rotation blocks for each Option. Once this process is complete and the Stage reaches its opening date, Learners will be able to login and view the list of Options, and rank them in their order of preference.
Clicking anywhere in the schedule portion of the Options Builder will open up a form below, that can be used to select which rotation and block should be added to the Option. The location where you click does matter, so make sure to click into the row corresponding to the Option where you would like to add the rotation.
Also take note of the grid divisions. As you hover over the schedule, it will highlight the hovered Block in light blue to let you know the timeframe or range where you would be adding the rotation, however this is also customizable in the form once it has been opened.
The form for Adding Rotations consists of a list of all available blocks, and above that, three dropdown selectors which are used to filter that list.
The first filter is Filter by Block, which will change the highlighted block in the schedule’s timeline showing you the start and end range of the Block. If you’ve clicked into the wrong Block in the horizontal timeline, you can change that with this filter.
The second filter is Filter by Length, which allows you to limit the rotation blocks you can choose from by their length (typically 1, 2, or 4 Weeks in length). The third and final filter is Filter by Rotation, which can be a very helpful starting point if you know the exact type of rotation but want to see the timing options available. As you modify and combine of these filters, the list below will adjust accordingly. Each Block for a Rotation is represented as a radio button row. If you click on one of these, it will become selected and a visual representation of the block’s timing and length will appear in the schedule timeline. You can click through as many of the rotation blocks as you like to see how they correspond to the the timeline and any other existing rotations.
Once you are satisfied with your choice, click the Confirm button on the form to lock it into the Option. You'll need to repeat this process for each Option, so that ideally that the Learner audience logs in they will have a good variety of choices to rank.
When a Learner clicks into their Lotteries dashboard, they will arrive at the My Lotteries page. This page displays a list of all Lotteries that the Learner is a part of, presented as a stacked list of cards. This list of Lotteries can be narrowed down using the Search Lotteries and Filter Lotteries input fields, and each lottery's card contains the following information:
The title and creation date of the Lottery, as set by the administrator.
A helpful contextual alert stating the Lottery's status and timing information.
An Open action button, that navigates to the for that Lottery.
If a Lottery will be open in the future, a message is displayed indicating the date and time the Lottery will be opened for Learner input.
If a Lottery has closed and is no longer open to Learners, a message is displayed stating the date and time when the Lottery closed.
As you are building the Options, please note that if you find you have added a rotation block, but need to modify it at a later date, in the builder.
If a Lottery is currently open, a message is displayed stating the date and time at which the Lottery will close, and the Open button will be enabled, allowing the Learner to click it and begin ranking their by preference, using the .
On the Stage Card, begin by clicking on the button labelled "1 Variation", which will open up a dropdown allowing you to choose between 1 to 5 variants to be generated. Once you have decided on the number of Schedule Variations you would like, click the Draft Schedule(s) button.
This will create a background job that will be scheduled to run shortly, that will generate the variations using the Lottery module's processing algorithm. After the processing algorithm completes, you will have one or more Schedule Variations. These can be reviewed in the Variations Overview one at a time.
Under the "Reviewing Schedules" heading in the Variations Overview, you'll see a dropdown selector labelled Select Schedule Variation allowing you to select one of the generated variations for review. The dropdown will contain up to five numbered variations, depending on the number specified when clicking the Draft Schedule(s) button beforehand. If any errors occurred while drafting a specific schedule variation, that variation will be marked with a red "Failed" badge, both in the dropdown and when that variation is selected.
When a schedule variation is selected, a modified version of a rotation scheduler will appear below the dropdown selector. This scheduler interface contains a stacked list of Learner rows, with some meta information in the left-hand column, such as their profile picture, full name, and student number.
Each Learner row will have one of three Learner Assignment Messages. For a successful Schedule Variation, there should be no Learners with a red failure message. In each variation, a Learner who has been successfully assigned an Option will have either an "Auto-Assigned" message (for Learners who did not submit their Rankings), or a "Assigned Rank #XX" message. The "Assigned Rank #XX" message indicates that the Option that the Learner received was ranked at the XX number in their list of submitted Rankings.
Once everything in a specific Schedule Variation has been reviewed, if it is deemed to be ready and chosen as the most viable variation out of all that were drafted, it should be merged into the Lottery's working schedule.
This process is initiated with the button under the scheduler, labelled Merge Schedule. When clicked, it will open a confirmation dialogue to ensure that it is not merged before the administrator is ready. Upon clicking the Confirm button in the confirmation modal, the currently selected Schedule Variation will be merged into the Lottery's working schedule.
If an error happens to occur when attempting to merge the variation into the Lottery's working schedule, an alert message will be displayed to inform the administrator that the operation was not successful. The HTTP response code from the API request will be included in this alert, which can be helpful for diagnosing any potential issues.
When the process of merging the variation has completed, you will be returned to the Stages Overview, where the Stage Card's status will be updated to "Merged". Once you have completed any desired merge actions, you are ready to begin the final step of the Lottery process, which is to publish the Lottery's working schedule.
This page is available to curriculum coordinators, program coordinators and faculty directors. Program coordinators and faculty director users will only see schedules, rotations, etc. for the courses they are associated with on a course's setup page. Before attempting to create rotations or schedule learners, make sure that the relevant curriculum period has blocks built (this is a task that someone with an administrator role must complete via Admin>Manage Curriculum; find details in the Curriculum>Rotation Blocks help section). It will also be useful to have sites defined (sites are the different locations relevant to your programs, like cities or hospitals). Sites have to be configured through System Settings by someone in an administrator role (for details see the System Setup>Location help section).
Building and populating rotations is a multi-step process. It is useful to be familiar with the various steps in the process before you begin. The steps require users to:
1. Build a schedule which acts as a holding place for rotations. An example of a schedule might be a program and year (e.g., Internal Medicine, 2018-2019).
2. Build rotations within a schedule. Rotations include the various clinical experiences learners might have within your program (e.g., Rheumatology, Cardio Consults, Hematology, Infectious Disease, etc.). Within a rotation you will be able to define sites. (Sites are locations, for example different hospitals or cities.)
3. Build blocks within a rotation. These will be based on the block structures available to your program and curriculum period based on the System Settings configured by a user with administrator permissions. You can define sites for a block.
4. Add and manage slots within a block. Within a slot you can define minimum and maximum number of participants per site, and define availability for on service and off service learners.
After schedules, rotations, and slots are defined you can book learners into slots.
Once a schedule is created it can be copied and modified for future use.
Navigate to Admin>Clinical Experiences.
Click the 'Rotation Schedule' tab under the Clinical Experiences heading.
By default you will see all published schedules you have permission to access.
The 'Available Off Service Rotations' list is populated by off service rotations created by other programs and made accessible to your program.
Navigate to Admin>Clinical Experiences.
Click the 'Rotation Schedule' tab under the Clinical Experiences heading.
Click 'Manage My Drafts', then 'New Draft'.
Provide a title, select a course from the dropdown menu, select a curriculum period from the dropdown menu and click 'Save'.
Next you can add on service and off service rotations to the draft. See below for instructions on adding a rotation.
After a draft is complete, return to the list of My Drafts.
Click the checkbox beside a draft which will cause a publish button to display.
Click 'Publish' and then confirm your action by clicking 'Publish' again in the confirmation window.
Click on the name of the schedule.
Click on the pencil icon beside the schedule name.
Edit the title or add authors as required. Authors will have permission to view and edit a schedule.
Click 'Save'.
A schedule can have multiple authors added to it to give other uses permission to access rotations within that schedule. Note that program coordinators affiliated with a course/program through a course setup page will automatically have access to the schedules affiliated with their program.
Navigate to Admin>Clinical Experiences.
Click the 'Rotation Schedule' tab under the Clinical Experiences heading.
Click on the title of a schedule.
Click the pencil icon beside the schedule name to open the edit screen.
Existing authors will show as blue under the authors list.
Click the down arrow to open a search field and begin to type a user name.
Click on the name, or click enter when the name is highlighted, to add the name to the author's list.
Click 'Save' when you've added all the required names.
Note that as of ME 1.13 you can add author permissions to a schedule, but not an individual rotation.
Navigate to Admin>Clinical Experiences.
Click the 'Rotation Schedule' tab under the Clinical Experiences heading.
Click on the name of a schedule or click 'Manage My Drafts' to access draft schedules.
After clicking a schedule name, you will see a list of existing rotations, or no rotations if it is a new schedule.
Click 'Add Rotation'.
Provide a title, code and description. The code becomes the shortname of the rotation and is displayed on the rotation scheduler and on learners' schedules.
In the Sites field, select appropriate sites from the dropdown menu. You can associate multiple sites with a rotation which will makes those same sites available when you build blocks. (The list of available sites is based on locations added through Admin>System Settings and must be configured by someone with an administrator role.)
Choose the block schedules you wish to include. Associating block schedules with a rotation will make those periods of time available to book learners into later. Click the down arrow beside a block title to view the individual blocks and their dates. (Blocks need to have been built in the relevant curriculum period via Admin>Manage Curriculum by someone with an administrator role.)
Click 'Save'.
Note that you can also import a rotation structure, copy an existing rotation, and export a rotation.
Click on a rotation to edit its title, description, code/short name, site, date, etc.
Note that you can use the 'Shift Blocks' button to move blocks forward or back by several days. This will shift the start and finish date of all blocks.
Click 'Save'.
Create a draft (see above). Click on the draft title if you aren't already in the draft.
Click the down arrow beside Add Rotation and select 'Import Rotation Schedule' from the dropdown options.
Import a CSV that includes the short name and full name for all rotations. Note the link at the bottom of the window to download a sample CSV file.
Drag and drop or browse your computer to select a file.
Select a Template from those available (the available templates are defined by the blocks built in the relevant curriculum period). You can select more than one template in which case you'll build rotations for all items listed in the CSV and all blocks selected.
Click 'Import Rotations'.
The created rotations will display in a list.
Create a draft (see above). Click on the draft title if you aren't already in the draft.
Click the down arrow beside Add Rotation and select 'Copy Existing Rotations' from the dropdown options.
Select an existing schedule from the dropdown menu (note that your options will be limited to the courses you have access to).
Click 'Copy'.
The copied rotations will display in a list.
Note that when you copy an existing rotation, CBME objectives associated with the rotation are not currently copied. At present you will need to define the likelihood and priority settings for the EPAs associated with each rotation when you copy a rotation schedule. (This applies only to users with the CBME module enabled in their installation of Elentra.)
Navigate to any rotation schedule.
Click the down arrow beside Add Rotation and select 'Export Report' from the dropdown options.
Select a block type from the dropdown options. (You can only select one block type at a time.)
Click 'Export'.
A CSV file will download to your computer. The file will include enrolled learners (name and student number), and all blocks in the rotation. Each cell will display the shortname of where the learner is assigned during each block.
For more information on the new feature of Granular Clinical Scheduling, please click the link or the section below Rotation Scheduling.
Navigate to a rotation schedule (published or draft) and click on a rotation.
A list of blocks will display.
Click on a block name to open the block.
From here you can edit the block details and add slots to the block.
Click 'Add Slot'.
Select a slot type from the list. The options are on service learner or off service learner. On service slots will be open to learners enrolled in your program. Off service slots can be made available to learners from other programs and if so, will display on the rotation lists of those programs. Currently, there is no user interface to change these two slot type options.
Select a site for the slot. The list of available sites is based on the sites assigned to the rotation.
The 'Enforce occupancy limits' is used to provide information to a lottery system if your organisation uses a lottery. Ignore it if you don't use a lottery. Please note that up to and inclusive of ME 1.14 the occupancy limit is not enforced; it is currently used to store information and will be applied when lottery development is complete. If you are manually booking learners into slots, the current system will allow you to exceed the defined occupancy limits.
Set the minimum and maximum number of learners for this slot.
Click 'Save'.
You can add multiple slots to a block to provide an infinite number of opportunities for learners.
Click on the name of a schedule. Note that Staff:Pcoor users will only have access to their affiliated programs.
Click 'Learners' from the tab menu below the schedule title.
A list of enrolled learners will display in the first column. Their names, photos, id numbers and learner level (CBME learners only) will be included. The other columns represent the blocks available for learners to be scheduled into.
Note the quick tools like jumping to the current block, changing the view from block to month to quarter, and the zoom function. (The reset button will return your zoom to 100%.)
When using quarter view note that they system will still book a block in its specific dates even if the view is less clear.
Greyed out areas on a learner's schedule indicate that the learner is scheduled into another program's rotation schedule (e.g., for a learner that is enrolled in two programs). The rotation code will be displayed (includes course and rotation shortname) but a program coordinator can't edit a booking outside their own program (they can book the learner into another slot in the same block).
Off service rotations you've booked a learner into will display in full color and show the rotation shortname.
Click on the name of a schedule. Note that staff>pcoor users will only have access to their affiliated programs.
Click 'Learners' from the tab menu below the schedule title.
To book a student in to a slot from an empty block, mouse over the block and your cursor will become a plus sign. Click.
The system will identify all available rotations and slots with start dates in the block you selected. When you complete a booking the resulting card will fill the exact dates of the slot within the associated blocks.
Select a rotation from the drop down menu. Note that any off service rotations available to the learner will be displayed at the bottom of the list.
Select a block from the dropdown menu.
Select a slot (on service or off service).
You may customize the dates for a rotation if needed. Click the appropriate checkbox and adjust the start and end dates.
Click 'Save'.
You can add a learner to multiple slots within a block.
Hover on a filled block and click the small plus icon in the top right corner of the slot. This will allow you to book a learner into another slot.
Select a rotation, block, and slot and click 'Save'.
Click anywhere on a filled booking to edit it.
Adjust the information and click 'Save' or click 'Delete' to remove the learner from the slot entirely.
Different learners will view their rotation schedule differently.
Learners can access their Rotation Schedule from their dashboard by clicking on the 'My Rotation Schedule' tab.
If a learner is booked into overlapping slots, their rotations will stack on top of each other (e.g. obstetrics and psychiatry below).
As of ME 1.13, if a slot has an associated site, the relevant site code will display beside the rotation code (e.g. Family~BSM).
Once a Lottery has had a Stage scheduled, and its Options created, the process of gathering Learner input will occur once the Stage reaches its opening date. Later on, after reaching the Stage's closing date, you should have a set of data representing each Learner's Rankings of the Options from most preferred to least preferred.
Viewing the Stages Overview at this point will show the Stage Card with a status badge of "Closed", indicating that the timeframe for Learners to provide input has ended. You'll also see a new set of controls on the Stage Card. The first is a dropdown selector that allows you to specify the number of desired Schedule Variations you would like to generate, alongside an action button to initiate the process of generating them.
After you've generated Schedule Variations for a Stage, that Stage's card will display a button allowing you to Review Schedules. Clicking that button will take you to the Variations Overview, which contains the Reviewing Schedules interface.
Under the "Reviewing Schedules" heading, you'll see a dropdown selector labelled Select Schedule Variation allowing you to select one of the generated variations for review. The dropdown will contain up to five numbered variations, depending on the number specified when clicking the Draft Schedule(s) button beforehand. If any errors occurred while drafting a specific schedule variation, that variation will be marked with a red "Failed" badge, both in the dropdown and when that variation is selected.
When a schedule variation is selected, a modified version of a rotation scheduler will appear below the dropdown selector. This scheduler interface contains a stacked list of Learner rows, with some meta information in the left-hand column, such as their profile picture, full name, and student number.
Additionally, below the Learner's name and student number, an assignment message will be displayed to indicate one of the three potential states a Learner can be on at the end of the algorithmic processing for the selected variation. These three states are:
If the Learner submitted their Rankings while the Stage was open, and they received one of the Options, then the message will read as "Received Rank #XX", where the XX is replaced with their numerical Rank for the Option that they received. As an example, if a Learner's assignment message reads "Received Rank #9", that means they were assigned a certain Option, and that Option was their 9th highest preference, whereas "Received Rank #1" means that Learner was assigned their most desired Option.
If the Learner did not submit their Rankings while the Stage was open, and they received one of the Options, then the message will read as "Auto-Assigned". This indicates that they did receive an Option, but their preferences were given less of a priority during processing as they were generic (Learners who take time to submit a customized list of Rankings are processed with priority over Learners who do not submit their preferences).
In cases where the Learner could not be assigned an Option at all due to any errors that may occur while running the processing algorithm, the Learner row will be empty, and a red warning message will be displayed that reads "Failed to Schedule"
Underneath the scheduler interface are two action buttons. The first of these is a simple Cancel button that will deselect the current Schedule Variation, clearing the scheduler interface and allowing you to select a different variation to review.
The second button is labelled Merge Schedule, which will open a confirmation dialogue to ensure that it is not merged before the administrator is ready. Upon clicking the Confirm button in the confirmation modal, the currently selected Schedule Variation will be merged into the Lottery's working schedule.
If an error happens to occur when attempting to merge the variation into the Lottery's working schedule, an alert message will be displayed to inform the administrator that the operation was not successful. The HTTP response code from the API request will be included in this alert, which can be helpful for diagnosing any potential issues.
When a Stage has closed and the Draft Schedule(s) button (labelled Redraft Schedule(s) in the case of Stages that have been drafted previously) is clicked, a background job will be scheduled for the very near future, to generate the variations using the Lottery module's processing algorithm.
Once that job and the algorithm has completed its processing, you will have one or more Schedule Variations, each of which represents the outcome of one attempt or iteration of the algorithm. Each Schedule Variation may be slightly different, and this is because the algorithm uses randomization to shuffle the list of Learners, ensuring impartiality.
After the variations are generated, they can be reviewed in the one at a time. If an optimal variation is found, it can be merged into the Lottery's working schedule, which can be published at a later date when ready. If for any reason there are no viable schedule variations created from the algorithm's processing, you may select the Redraft Schedule(s) button on the Stage Card in the .
A Lottery's "working schedule" begins as a copy of the rotation schedule that is initially imported when the Lottery is created. It works as a temporary sort of holding tank for the initial state of the schedule, but it also includes all of the edits that have been made to it since, as well as every that has been merged in at the end of a Stage
After creating your Lottery, building and opening Stages within it, and drafting and merging in Schedule Variations, your Lottery's working schedule should hopefully be in a state where it is ready to be published, which will make it accessible to all of the audience's Learners.
To publish a Lottery's working schedule, navigate to the Lotteries Overview, to view your list of Lottery Cards. Click on the "More" button on the target Lottery's card (the chevron icon button in the right-hand side of the card header) to expand the card.
You will then see two tabs, labelled Schedule and Stages. Ensure that the Schedule tab is highlighted, and a version of the rotation scheduler will display everything currently contained within the Lottery's working schedule, presented as a stacked list of Learners. Below this scheduler interface is a Publish button.
When a Learner has an open Lottery available on their dashboard, they can click that Lottery's Open action button to begin Ranking the in order of their preference. This process is only available to Learners while the Lottery's stage status is actively "open".
This step is crucial to the Lottery process, as Learner input is collected in order to create the data that the Lottery algorithm uses when attempting to maximize overall Learner satisfaction.
At the top of the Ranking Interface is a heading that displays the title of the Lottery (as provided by the administrator during its creation), as well as some information about how long ago the Lottery was opened. Under this heading, a brief instructional message is provided for Learners.
The collection of Options is presented as a stacked list of Option cards, that each have their own controls that can be used to reorder the list.
The list is always presented in ascending numerical order, with the top Option choice (Rank 1) first and the least desired Option residing at the bottom of the list. Moving Options up means a higher preference, and moving them down indicates they are less desirable.
To move a single Option to another place in the list, click and drag the handle on the left side of the card. The handle is an icon consisting of a collection of 6 dots, arranged in two vertical, 3 dot columns. Hold down the click button on this icon handle, then drag up or down. Release the mouse button once the transparent "ghost" of the dragged option is sitting where you'd like in the list.
The left side of each Option card also includes a checkbox. You may check more than one Option at a time, and certain controls will become enabled depending on what reordering actions are available. When an Option is checked, the left-hand column expands to include Nudge Up and Nudge Down buttons, represented by an upward chevron icon, and a downward chevron icon, respectively.
When an Option is checked, and the Nudge Up and Nudge Down buttons are visible, clicking one will nudge the option in the selected direction, effectively swapping it with the Option currently residing in that location.
When multiple Options are checked, the nudge buttons are also available, however, if any gaps exist between the checked Options, they will be removed before the nudge occurs. As an example, let's say you have a list of five options (labelled alphabetically for demonstration).
Option A
Option B
Option C
Option D
Option E
Now let's say you check Options A, C, and D. The list now looks like this, with the checked Options visually highlighted:
[✔] Option A
Option B
[✔] Option C
[✔] Option D
Option E
In this multi-checked state, the Nudge Up buttons will be disabled for the checked Options. This is because one of them cannot move up any higher than it is, as Option A is already the top-most choice. However, it is possible to move the group of checked options downward in the list, using the Nudge Down button on any of the checked Options. Performing this action will result in the following list:
Option B
Option E
[✔] Option A
[✔] Option C
[✔] Option D
This is because before any nudge action, all checked Options are "squashed" together to remove any potential gaps, then moved as a grouped block in the direction of the nudge action.
When an Option is checked, the buttons in the page's sticky footer, Move to Top and Move to Bottom become enabled. If there are multiple Options checked, the labels change to say Move All to Top/Bottom. When either of these buttons is clicked, any checked Options will be squashed and grouped together to remove any gaps, then moved t the very top or very bottom of the list.
If you have a single Option checked and would like to move it to a specific Rank number, you can use the input field in the middle of the sticky page footer. Simply type in the destination Rank number, then click the Move button. The list will accommodate for the move by nudging all affected Options up or down by one, depending on whether the action moved the checked Option higher or lower in the list.
You can also perform a direct Move action when multiple Options are checked, and it will behave the same way, but be aware that if there are any gaps between your checked Options, as mentioned above, they will be removed prior to the move action. That means spread out checked Options will be squashed together into a block, then moved to their new destination rank.
After every action that reorders the list, it will be automatically saved. There also exists a manual Save button in the page's sticky footer bar, that can be used to explicitly force the rankings to save. Hovering over this button will display a tooltip that shows the date and time when the rankings were last saved. You can use this tooltip to check and ensure that your rankings are fully stored before leaving the Ranking Interface.
New for ME 1.15, administrators have the ability to manage clinical rotations with additional detail
The existing functionality of creating slots in the rotation schedule was limited to differentiating between on service or off service learners. This did not provide any detail to be able to track the exact hours a learner spent in a block.
This new feature allows the ability to capture the variability in a learner's schedule during a rotation to be able to better manage specific clinical events that occur for short periods of time, enforce occupancy limits and accommodate call schedules.
Navigate to a rotation schedule (published or draft) and click on a rotation.
A list of blocks will display.
Click on the Learners tab, under the rotation name. You can also filter learners by Curriculum Track on this page.
If the learner hasn't been added to any slots in the rotation, add them into a block by clicking on the area of the calendar that corresponds with the correct block.
Within this pop up, select the rotation and then you can provide additional details for the booking in the Details tab. In this tab, you can select the block span, block, whether they are on service or off service, sites and preceptors that are associated with this slot.
In the Clinical Events tab, a calendar interface is used to book the specific granular clinical events. Pre-existing learning events will appear in grey when learners are unavailable.
To book a new granular clinical event, a plus sign appears on the calendar where the learner is available. These events can be as short as 30 minutes.
Once a timeframe has been selected, the granular clinical event details can be specified for duration, recurring event behaviour, a description of the clinical activity, the site, preceptors and attendees. Attendees can be other learners that are already scheduled in the rotation so you can add multiple learners at once without having to edit each individual learner's schedule.
You can edit the time of any granular clinical event and delete individual events.
To view and edit the granular clinical events in the rotation schedule, in the Learners tab, click on the booking and a pop up will appear with a list of granular clinical events that have been scheduled.
To manage additional granular clinical events to a slot, click on the 'Schedule' button in the bottom left hand of the pop up.
To edit or delete any of the rotation bookings, click on the corresponding delete (red garbage can), edit (blue pencil) buttons and overlapping booking (plus '+') button on the bottom right hand side of the pop up to add a new booking during the same timeframe.
Learners have access to their rotation schedule from the Dashboard by clicking on the 'My Event Calendar' tab.
From this tab, a learner will be able to filter the calendar view for the day, week, or month.
The learner will be able to click on each granular clinical event where a pop up appears with the date and time, location and preceptors associated with the event.
The learner will also be able to log an encounter directly from this pop up.
Learners in a phase of their education focussed on clinical learning may have the opportunity to request elective opportunities. Elentra can help with the management of electives by giving students access to an elective form to complete and submit, and providing an easy-to-use elective approval process for staff.
Click the Clerkship tab and select 'Schedules' from the dropdown menu (note that in ME 1.11 and below only learners in the third year of their program will have access to the Clerkship tab).
Click 'Add Elective'
Provide the required information and click 'Submit'.
A note to administrators, there is currently no user interface to configure the list of disciplines, host schools and number of weeks. To change the content of the form learners complete you need help from a developer.
The Elective Period the learner can select comes from their rotation schedule.
Navigate to Admin>Manage Clerkship.
From the 'Elective Pending' tab, click on a learner name.
Review the elective details and scroll to the bottom of the page to set the Elective Status (pending, approved, or rejected).
Click 'Save'.
Note that at the top of the page you can chose to remove the elective entirely. This means the elective won't show up on the learner profile as pending, approved or rejected; it will disappear from view.
Leave tracking allows you to record absences for learners.
Navigate to Admin>Clinical Experiences.
You will land on the My Learners tab.
Each learner card displays the learner name, email, photo and institutional id.
Search for a learner as needed, and if you can't find someone, ensure that you are in the correct curriculum period using the dropdown menu on the right.
From the learner card, click 'Leave tracking'.
Click 'Record New Leave'.
Provide the required information noting the following: Leave Type: The list of leave types is configured in the database and there is no user interface to change the leave types.
Click 'Save'.
The leave will appear on a list and will be sorted by type and total days in a second list.