The history tab of an event page allows you to view changes made to that event. It records the date, time, user name and the nature of the change made. For example, March 2, 2017 10:15am Philip Smith updated clinical presentations.
All events scheduled into Elentra can have information about them recorded. This can include date and time, location, audience, faculty, attendance, objectives, resources, etc.
Curriculum coordinators and program coordinators can access and edit the content of learning events for their affiliated contents. Faculty assigned to a course as its director can also access and edit the content of learning events in their course. Faculty>Faculty can only edit the content of learning events for which they are listed as teachers.
The learner view of an event will depend a bit on how the event is configured and what information is added to it.
The first example shared here is the default learning event page (without context-based linkages or units in use).
Curriculum layout and course name are given.
Event title is displayed.
Event description and required preparation (optional fields).
Event information is displayed based on what is configured during event setup (e.g. not all events have locations, not all events will show the audience).
Objectives assigned to the event are shown.
Resources for the event are displayed (they can be sorted into Before Class, During Class, After Class, and No Timeframe).
Discussions and Comments area for the event.
If lecture capture is in use, videos will appear as resources once they become available. If not yet available, the date of availability will appear.
The event setup page includes the basic information about an event. Much of this will be completed when creating the event, either manually or through Manage Drafts.
Complete the required information noting the following: Event Colour: If you select a colour here it will display on the learner calendar and override the course colour selected. Course Unit: This option will only be visible if you have weeks and units enabled for your organisation. If no units display make sure that you have created units within the course through Admin>Manage Course on the Units page for the relevant course. Additional instructions are available in the Units help section. Event Location Building: If you need to add locations use Admin>System Settings and the Location tool. Event Types: Define the event type noting that you can include multiple event types within one event. Adjust their durations as needed. Associated Faculty: Add teachers to this event by beginning to type a name, clicking on it and clicking 'Add'. Note that you can define an associated user as a teacher, tutor, teacher's assistant or auditor. Audience Options: If you make attendance required the event will show as required in a learner's schedule, and you'll be able to record attendance during the event itself. There are some options available when taking attendance and for more information please see the Attendance page of this help section. Associated Learners: If you opt to create a custom event audience you'll be prompted to select an audience type. You can assign a cohort, course group, or individual(s) as the audience. One thing to consider here is whether you will role this event into a new schedule in the future. If yes, the easiest option is to leave associated learners as all those enrolled since then every time you role the event forward you don't need to adjust the audience.
If you add multiple cohorts or groups to an event you'll be able to specify how much time each group will exposed to for the event. For example, if you assigned a medicine cohort and a pharmacy cohort to a sixty-minute event you could indicate that the meds students will be there for the full hour, while the pharmacy students will be present for thirty minutes. To use this tool, add your audiences and then click on the grey clock icon beside the cohort/group name. This will open an Event Audience Time Override window where you can click and drag the slider (from either side) to set the appropriate time for the audience you're working with. Click the 'Warn me' checkbox if you want to be alerted to overlapping times. Click 'Close' to save your changes. When times have been adjusted for specific audiences the small clock icon will display green.
Child Events: You can manually enter an event name or id number here to link multiple events using the parent child feature. This restricts Curriculum Search and some curriculum reports to reflect only the parent event. For more information, please see the Parent Child information in the Scheduling help section.
Time Release Options: Leave this empty to allow users in the event audience to access the event at any point. If you complete these fields you can control when learners will be able to view and access this event, and when it will stop being available (if desired). Note that there is another tool that allows you to apply time release options to specific resources when adding them to learning events.
By default when you save this page you will directed to the event content page. If you'd like to go somewhere else, use the dropdown menu to select your destination after saving. Then click 'Save'.
If you have posted resources to an event you are able to see which users have accessed the resource.
Navigate to the appropriate learning event.
Switch in to Administrative view if you aren't already in it.
On the card for any posted resource click 'View'. You'll see a list of the audience members for the event, the number of resource views and the most recent view of the resource.
You can also rely on the Statistics tab to see which users have used viewed the event.
To get an overview of all events within a course, and some of their content and curriculum tags you can rely on two different reports: the Curriculum Review Report and the Course Summary Report. For more information about these reports please see the System Reports>Curriculum help section.
On the Attendance tab of an event page you can record attendance for an event. You have two options to do so: manually by checking off each present learner or using Kiosk mode.
Click the checkbox beside the name of each learner in attendance. Click the checkbox again to change the attendance status.
Changes are saved constantly so there is no Save button on the page.
Search for a learner by typing in his/her id number.
Kiosk mode allows learners to swipe their school ids to complete the attendance record for the event. To use kiosk mode your organisation must set up some hardware and link it to Elentra to record attendance.
Once attendance kiosk mode has been configured it is easy to use.
Navigate to the relevant learning event page.
Click on the Attendance tab.
Click 'Kiosk Mode'.
When the green check mark comes up, learners can begin to swipe their cards.
You can download a CSV of learner attendance (blank or after completion) using the Download CSV button at the bottom of the page.
Information about potential hardware you could use is posted below.
The content tab of an event page is where you can provide learners with details about the contents of the event.
The first several fields on the page (date, time, duration, etc.) are controlled on the event setup page and only displayed on the event content page.
Complete the remaining required information noting the following: Event Types: You can edit the event types of the content page (this allows faculty to adjust the event types in their events if you allow them to). Note that you cannot adjust the event duration on this page; if you change the event types their total time must equal the original duration. (In default Elentra faculty can adjust the learning event types in their own teaching events. This can be disabled if you only want administrative staff to have that ability.) Medbiq Resources: If you are using the Curriculum Inventory Reporting Tool or your organisation is tracking Medbiquitous information you can select a Medbiquitous resource from the dropdown menu. (The list of Medbiquitous Instructional Methods can be configured in Admin>System Settings.) This information will not be visible to learners on the event page but will be reported in the Curriculum Inventory Reporting Tool. Event Description: Provide details about the event here. This information will be visible to learners on the event page and will also appear in Curriculum Search results and some reports (Curriculum Review Report, Course Summary Report). Note that this a rich text editor and you can embed media, change the font, etc. Required Preparation: Provide details about what learners should do to prepare for this event. This information will be visible to learners on the event page and when they preview events from the dashboard calendar. Event Keywords: This is an optional feature that can be turned on or off in your installation. Once on, it can be used to map Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) keywords to a learning event. Keywords will be displayed to the learner on the event page. If you have an organisation specific list of keywords it is suggested that you build it as a curriculum tag set. The keywords feature is specific to MeSH terms. Keywords are not reflected in Curriculum Search results. Free-Text Objectives: This is an optional field that can be turned on or off in your installation. If on, it allows faculty to type in objectives relevant to the event. These objectives will be displayed on the learner view of the event page and can also be viewed across an entire course using the Curriculum Review Report. Mapped Objectives: Here you can check off which of the curriculum tags assigned to the course apply to the specific learning event. Click the checkbox beside a curriculum tag to apply it to the event. If you wish to tag additional curriculum tags, including any not assigned to the course, click on 'Map Additional Objectives'. Click through the hierarchy of tags as needed until you can select the one(s) appropriate for the item. As you add curriculum tags, what you click on to select will be listed under the Event Specific Objectives section.
Note that if your organisation has week/units enabled the objectives area of the event content page will display a bit differently. For more information please see the Units help section.
Event Resources: To add resources to an event you have two options: a quick add tool and the regular add a resource tool. The quick add tool is useful for files, whereas the the regular tool allows you to add different types of resources.
Use the quick add tool by dragging and dropping resources into the greyed out upload area or clicking 'Browse' and selecting the files to upload. Before the files are added you can decide how users will view the resource, provide a title for the file(s), and decide whether to add timed release dates (click yes to enable and then provide the appropriate dates). You can include a copyright statement in the quick add resource box as well (there is no user interface to configure this, a developer will need to). Note that if you post multiple files through the quick add tool they will all have the same settings applied to them. If you use the quick add tool to add files to a recurring event, the resource will be added to all events in the series.
Using the Add a Resource button will allow you to upload different resource types including:
Exams - This will direct you to the Exams page where you can select and exam and create a post for it.
Feedback Form - This allows you to attach a form created through the Assessment and Evaluation module to the event.
Lecture Notes
Lecture Slides
Online Learning Module - This allows you to attach a learning module from another vendor to the learning event using a url. You can also set whether a proxy is required to be enabled (use this if learners have to authenticate to access the learning module).
Other files
Quiz - This allows you to attach a quiz created through the Quiz Module to the learning event. You'll be able to set additional parameters to the posted quiz like whether questions should be shuffled, the number of minutes allowed, the number of attempts allowed, and how learners will view their results (if at all).
Each resource behaves a bit differently when added but generally you can set the following parameters:
Whether the resource is optional or required
When the resource should be accessed (before, during, or after class, or no timeframe)
Whether to add timed release dates to the resource Note that the system looks at whether a resource is to accessed before, during or after class and if you select to time release resources it will require a time that matches the before, during or after parameters.
Whether to set the resource as published or draft (a draft resource will not be accessible to the event audience)
How to view the resource
The title and description of the resource
Posting an event resource includes a copyright statement users accept by default if they proceed to post the resource.
After posting a resource to an event you'll see it displayed on the event page. Small badges identify characteristics of the resource. View a preview of the resource by clicking on the download arrow.
Edit an existing resource by clicking on the resource title to reopen it.
Delete a resource by clicking on the trashcan icon.
When resources are posted to a learning event, a tally of resources will be displayed in the learner calendar when learners mouse over an event. This gives learners a quick view of what is included in an event.
The Statistics tab of a learning event page displays a list of users who have accessed the page. Additionally it shows how many times a user has viewed a page and when the most recent view was. The page also shows the total number of unique users to access the event and the total number of event views.
Note that this tab will only display if the event you are editing is part of a recurring event series.