Most users require an account to access Elentra. While there are some exceptions to this in that you can create a public community and share it with others, add a guest member to a specific community, or add an external assessor to a distribution of an assessment and evaluation form, most users will have accounts. To create a user account you must include user groups and roles which define user permissions. Only those with admin roles within Elentra are able to manually create users.
Although there is a user interface to manually add individual users, it is strongly recommended that your developers or technical team set up a relay of information from a central, authoritative database (e.g., an existing student information system) to feed users into Elentra. If you are not doing this and wish to bulk import users via a csv file, please see below.
Navigate to Admin>Manage Users.
Click 'Import From CSV'.
From the popup window you can download a sample CSV file.
Open the file in your preferred spreadsheet manager and complete the columns. Required fields are listed first followed by optional fields. First Name: Provide the user's given name. If you have multiple users with the same first and last name we recommend including their middle initial with their first name. Last Name: Provides the user's last name. Username: This will be the username for your Elentra installation. email: This should be the user's email and must be distinct for each user. Group: Group defines the user type in the system. Pick from Alumni, Faculty, Medtech, Resident, Staff, and Student. You can only use additional groups if you have added them to the database. Role: Different group types have different role availability as shown in the table below. Many group and role configurations carry different permissions. For more detail about user permissions please see the Permissions help section. Similar to groups, you can only use additional roles if you have added them to the database.
Year of Graduation
Organisation: This should be a numeric id and reflect which organisation a user should be added to if there are multiple organisations on an installation (e.g., undergraduate medicine and postgraduate medicine). When logged in as a Medtech>Admin you can find the organisation id by navigating to Admin>System Settings and clicking on the organisation. When the page for that organisation opens the url will include the org id at the end. You can also ask a developer what the organisation ids for your installation are. Gender: Gender is a required field in your upload but you can leave the cells blank if you don't want to define users' genders. If you do want to provide gender enter M or F. A blank cell will display as Gender:Unknown in the user interface.
Optional fields: Institution Number: The user's university id (e.g., staff or student number). Entry Year: The year the learner entered/will enter a program. Grad Year: The anticipated graduation year. (Make sure your database includes the years you intend to enter.) Note that users will automatically be added to an existing cohort if one exists for the graduation year. Notes: Information provided here will display in the General Comments section of the Personal Information section. Account Status: You can enter active or disabled in this column, you'll be able to change this setting in UI after the user is created. Access Start: Unix timestamp (e.g. 1512086400) or date-time format (2017-12-01 12:35) are accepted. Access Finish: Unix timestamp (e.g. 1512086400) or date-time format (2017-12-01 12:35) are accepted. Department: To enter a department affiliation for a user you must have department's Elentra id code. This is information you can request from a developer or you can find it by looking at a url. To discover the department id for yourself, you must be able to access Admin>System Settings. When you do, click on the name of the organisation you are working with and then click Departments in the left sidebar. Click on a department name and when the page for that department displays the url will include the department id at the end. Password: Passwords can be set using an import but we recommend only importing existing passwords if you exported them from elsewhere. Salt: This is a way to make a password more secure. It is recommended that you use this field only if you've exported a list of users and already have the salt information (and the password). Prefix: Accepted prefixes are Dr., Mr., Mrs., Ms., Prof., Assoc. Prof., and Asst. Prof. Alt Email: This is a second or alternative email the user can provide. Telephone, Fax, City, Address, Postal Code, Country, Province: Provide contact information as desired.
Every column header included in your file must be completed. If there is a column header with no information present delete that column before you upload the file.
If you are importing a significant number of users we recommend limiting your file size to 1000 users or less.
It is recommended that you use different files for different groups (e.g. faculty and learners) as they may not required the same fields and partially complete columns will result in errors. If you have blank cells please fill them with NULL.
After completing the spreadsheet, you can browse to find the file or drag and drop it in place. You will be prompted to match the information included in your CSV against the mapped fields available. Fields that display highlighted with green are required.
At this stage, you can scroll through the imported users to check their data. In the top right, click on the small arrows beside the Row counter. You'll see a summary of the information being uploaded for each user.
Decide whether to send user notification emails to new users (uncheck if you don't want emails sent), and click on Import Users.
You will see a green success message or be prompted to correct something in the CSV file.
You are able to upload revised user records to the system. When you do the system will compare the records and in some circumstances ask you to confirm which record you want to use.
The system will respond the following way when you update records: If the user has the same group but a new role compared to their previous record - system will update the role and everything else (start and end date, and account status). You will be asked to confirm whether you want to update the user record. If the user has a different group from their previous record that group will be added to the user's account and all other information will be updated. If the user has the same group and same role as their previous record the system will automatically update everything included in the csv.
When the system finds two records for the same user it will display the two records. Currently, these lines look identical but we are working on adding a popover card to display the conflicting information so users can more easily decide which record to import.
Note that you can choose to update no records, update all records, or individually select which records you'd like to update.
When you look at a list of users note that records displaying in red indicate users with disabled accounts.
Navigate to Admin>Manage Users.
Click 'Add New User'.
Provide the required information and set Permissions for the user. Note that you must click Add Permission after you've selected the appropriate group and role for the user.
After you've added a permission you may see the option to define a curriculum track if curriculum tracks exist for the relevant organization. Use the dropdown selector to set a user's curriculum track if necessary.
Linking a user to a department may mean that certain reports include the user (e.g., faculty reports, work force reporting). A user can be linked to multiple departments/divisions.
Leave email notification active or turn it off and click Add User. You will see a green success message or be prompted to correct something on the page.
To give someone access to a specific community and its documents, navigate to the desired community. You must be a community administrator to add a guest member.
From the Admin Center of the specific community, click 'Manage Members'.
Click the Add Guest Members tab.
Complete the required information and click 'Add Guest'.
You'll receive a green success message and the guest user will receive an email with further instructions. The user will only have access to the specific community.
Navigate to Admin>Manage Users.
Search for the appropriate user and click on his/her name.
From the User Management box on the left, click 'Edit Profile'.
Under Account Options set an Access Finish date and time. To immediately end a user's access, change the account status to Disabled and put in the current date and time.
Click 'Save'.
When you add group:role permissions to faculty users you will notice a Clinical Faculty checkbox in each organization they are a part of. When you add a user through the user interface this will automatically be checked off. Note that as of Elentra ME1.12 you cannot set a user as a clinical faculty member in one organisation but not another.
This is mostly a tool to store information and is rarely used elsewhere in Elentra. One place it is used is when reporting on annual reporting. When generating reports on annual reports you can filter by clinical and non-clinical faculty (see below).
A user disclaimer can set up to appear on the start page or your Elentra installation or when users try to access specific courses or communities. This tool is only available to users with admin roles.
Navigate to Admin>System Settings.
Click on the organisation you want to set a user disclaimer for.
Click 'User Disclaimers' from the left sidebar.
Click 'Add User Disclaimer'.
Complete the required information noting the following: Effective Date: Set when the disclaimer will show up to users. Trigger: Decide when this disclaimer should be applied. If you select course or courses, you'll have to select the specific course(s). If you select community, you'll have to select a specific community. Additionally, you must be an administrator of a specific community to add a disclaimer to it. When someone declines: Decide what should happen if someone declines the disclaimer. Click the checkbox to receive email notification of any declines. There is currently no user interface add additional emails in the case of a declined disclaimer. Audience: Click the down arrow beside Browse All Users and continue to click through to add your audience. Note that it is intentional that you can only drill down to the role level or user and not individuals. To delete any group from the list, click the small x beside the group.
Click 'Save'.
Edit an existing disclaimer by clicking on the disclaimer title which will open an edit page.
Delete an existing disclaimer by clicking the trashcan icon in the last column.
After a user disclaimer is active you can view who has accepted or declined the disclaimer.
Navigate to Admin>System Settings.
Click on the organisation you want to view a user disclaimer for.
Click 'User Disclaimers' from the left sidebar.
Find the name of the user disclaimer you wish to view and click the eye icon in the last column.
A list of users who have approved the disclaimer will be displayed. Click on 'Declined' to view users who have declined the disclaimer.
When users with an active disclaimer try to access the system or a course/community (depending on how you configure the disclaimer) they will be asked to accept or decline the disclaimer. They also have an option to print a copy of the disclaimer for their own records.
Most use of features in Elentra is based on a users group and role permission. A user can be assigned multiple group and role permissions within an organization and can hold the same permission across multiple organizations.
Below are group and role settings and their general system permissions. Please remember that your installation of Elentra may have customized aspects of the software and changed the access of specific group and roles.
System Permissions
Year of Graduation
Have basic read-only access.
Faculty Admin can pretty much do anything in the system within their designated organisation.
Course Directors can edit the content of any course pages / website or learning event that they are designated as a "Course Director" for on the Admin > Manage Courses page.
Basic read-only access as faculty members.
Teaching faculty can edit the content of any learning event that they are scheduled to teach.
System administrators can pretty much do anything in the system regardless of any organizational restrictions.
Have basic read-only access.
This can be used in UG installations where residents act as lecturers.
This can be used in UG installations where residents play some role. Do not use this group and role for PG installations of Elentra using CBME; in that case the residents should be student:year.
Organization administrators can pretty much do anything in the system within their designated organisation.
Can add, edit, or delete learning events and manage any content within any of the courses they are designated as a "Program Coordinator" for on the Admin > Manage Courses page
Staff members have basic read-only access.
Students have basic read permissions to most public modules. They can also edit and in some cases remove information that they add themselves (e.g. discussion forum comments). It is important to note that students cannot be granted access to any administrative module within Elentra. There is a hard-coded exit in case all other security restrictions fail and they access /admin/*
Staff>Admin group and role is organisation specific whereas Medtech>Admin can access all organisations within an installation.
If you are creating users for an organisation with Competency-Based Medical Education enabled, you should assign the learners group: student, role: year for the learners to appear on the necessary screens.
A more detailed matrix of user ability across modules can be found here.
For information on Masked Permissions please see the Users>Profile Preferences help section and User Tools>Masking ID.
Elentra allows you to collect and store information on users in a variety of ways. Each user can have a basic profile but you can configure the system to collect additional information as desired.
Many institutions sync their user records with a centralized authoritative record of users which reduces the work of maintaining a user database.
Information you can collect and store on users through the basic profile includes:
Institutional number
Username and password
Name prefix
First and last name
E-mail (up to 2 by default)
Phone and fax numbers
Office Hours
You can allow users to add post-nominal letters to their names, however this setting is disabled by default. If you'd like to use this feature a developer will need to enable it for your institution.
If you have users with identical first and last names we recommend that their middle initial be entered as part of the first name field.
Elentra provides administrators with the option to keep track of any information about users, for example immunization records, police checks, mask and gown size, etc. At present, there is no interface for users to adjust these records about themselves.
Navigate to Admin>System Settings.
Click the name of the organisation you want to create meta data for.
Click 'User Meta Data' from the left sidebar.
Click 'Add Meta Data'.
Complete the required fields, noting the following: Parent: You can created a nested hierarchy of meta data fields (e.g. immunizations: tetanus, measles, influenza, etc.). To do this, you must first create the parent meta data category, then when you create the nested fields, select the parent from the dropdown menu. Restricted to Public: Select Public Viewable if you want users to be able to see their own meta data. Select Restricted to hide the meta data fields from users and allow only administrators to see the information (these items will appear with [Admin view only] on the list of meta data fields). Group: Select the group(s) to apply this meta data to. To delete a group from an existing list, click the minus button beside the group name.
Click Save
Navigate to Admin>Manage Users.
Click 'Manage User Meta Data' from the left sidebar.
Set the required fields to reflect the information you want to input.
Click 'Show Table'.
Click 'Export/Load'.
Click 'Export CSV' to download a file with the list of users and other relevant column headings.
Complete the file, noting the following:
Type: Type reflects the meta data you are entering. You do not need to fill this in on the file unless you are uploading multiple meta data categories using one file.
Value: Make this the main data (e.g. shoe size: value=10).
Notes: This can be used to record any additional information (e.g. Received record from health unit on Jan. 16, 2015).
Effective date and Expiry date: These should be listed in yyyy-mm-dd format.
The fields for this import are optional so unused columns should be deleted before importing the file.
Click 'Import CSV' to upload the file.
You will be prompted to map the CSV columns you've included with the meta data fields available in the system. Click and drag any unmapped fields to the appropriate place as needed.
Choose whether to replace existing data with information in the spreadsheet, and whether or not to delete existing records if information is empty in the spreadsheet (click each check box as needed).
Click 'Import'.
Alternatively, you can add individual records one by one by clicking on 'Add record' for an individual from the meta data category main screen.
To view user meta data for a group:
Navigate to Admin>Manage Users.
Click 'Manage User Meta Data' from the left sidebar.
Set the required fields to reflect the information you want to view.
Click 'Show Table'.
You'll see a list of all users and their existing records.
This information can be exported as a csv.
To view all meta data for an individual:
Navigate to Admin>Manage Users.
Search for the required user and click on his/her name.
Select 'Edit Meta Data' from the sidebar User Management section.
You'll see a list of meta data records for the user.
Users can view their user profiles by clicking on their names at the top of the Elentra screen.
If meta data is required/logged for the user s/he will see an Extended Profile tab.
By clicking on this tab users will see any meta data collected for them AND which is set to Public Viewable.
At present, there is no interface for users to adjust these records about themselves.
The User Incident tools allows an organisation to keep a record of an incident involving a user.
Navigate to Admin>Manage Users.
Search for the relevant user and click on his/her name.
In the User Management box on the left sidebar, click 'Incidents'.
Click 'Add New Incident'. Note that the system will automatically record and display the name of the user who creates an incident.
Provide the required information noting the following: Severity: Incident Severity cannot currently be configured through the user interface. If you wish to change the available incident severity levels you will need help from a developer. Status: An open incident can be edited for more information to be added including any follow-up. If an incident is closed its appearance will be greyed out when viewing a list of incidents. Dates: Both the incident date and the date of any follow-up can be recorded. Details: Information provided here is not currently visible to the user although it will be accessible to users with permission to view learner incident reports. The system will not automatically record and display the names of users who add to the initial report.
Click 'Save Incident'.
Incidents will display on the user profile page but are only accessible by users with admin roles. By default users do not currently have the ability to access their own recorded incidents.
Navigate to Admin>System Reports.
Scroll down to Learner Incident Reports.
Click on the appropriate report, fill in the necessary information, and click 'Create Report'.
Click on the name of a user or title on an incident to see the details.
Users can view information about themselves (some they can edit, some they can't) through their My Elentra ME Profile.
Any user type should see their own name at the top of the page.
Click on the name to open the user profile.
Personal Information tab: Here users can update their email, phone and address. Faculty users can set office hours. This is also where faculty users can consent to video recording (required to use the automated lecture capture tools, see below).
Extended Profile tab: This will appear only if there is user metadata in place and set to visible for the user.
Account Information tab: Here users can view their username and change their password. If CBME is enabled for your organisation this is also where users can set their PIN for assessment and evaluation forms.
When making any changes users must click 'Save Profile' when complete.
New in ME 1.13! Faculty users will see a consent checkbox for video capture of lectures on their personal information tab.
Click the username badge to open the user profile.
Click 'Privacy Preferences' in the Profile card in the left sidebar.
Set the preferred privacy setting and click 'Update Privacy'.
Click the username badge to open the user profile.
Click 'Notification Preferences' in the Profile card in the left sidebar.
Active Notifications tab: Users can search for and delete any active notifications from here. Active Notifications usually includes any comment and discussion threads a user signed up for from a learning event.
Community Notifications tab: Users can enable or disable community notifications here. This will overrule the community setting (e.g., if the community admin. creates an announcement and sets it to notify community members).
This tool is only available to faculty users (excluding faculty:faculty since they only have read access). It is not just the storage of admin. information; it allows an admin. to act in the system under the identity of the faculty member and as such should be used carefully.
Click the username badge to open the user profile.
Click 'My Admin Assistants' in the Profile card in the left sidebar.
Type in the name of another user, and click on it.
Set access start and finish dates and times to limit when the admin. will be able to be masked as the faculty member. By default it will set access to for one week.
Click 'Add Assistant'.
To remove an admin. assistant click the checkbox beside their name and click 'Remove Assistant'.
In this example a faculty member has granted three admin assistants access for different lengths of time.
If faculty link their account with admin. assistants, the admin assistants will see a Permission Masks card on their sidebar and can select to use another id at any time during the active linkage.
Elentra allows there to be two profile photos stored for each user: an official photo and a user uploaded photo. The official photo must be uploaded by an administrative user. If a user's account has both an official photo and a user uploaded photo, the official photo will be used first.
User photos appear through out Elentra. Some examples include in People Search and when triggering or completing Assessment and Evaluation forms.
Photos can be imported through the user interface in a user's profile but there is also a photo import tool that a developer can use to bulk import multiple official photos.
Please note that if a user does not want his/her photo displayed in Elentra s/he can change his/her privacy settings in the user profile. If users select Minimum Profile their photos will be hidden from other users.
If you want to bulk import user photos you will need help from a developer. The work a non-technical staff member can do is to prepare a folder of the required photos. Each photo should be named using Lastname_Firstname.jpg and/or StudentNumber.jpg. You don't have to worry too much about the size of the photos since Elentra will automatically resize them as needed.
If users want to upload their own profile photos they can do so through their profile. On the main Personal Information page, users can hover over the empty photo spot and click Upload Photo to add a photo.
Note that they can toggle between the official and uploaded photos to view the two photos they might have on file.
A user can't delete his or her photo. They can upload a new photo to overwrite their existing uploaded photo.
The Manage Cohort tool allows you to create groups of users such as cohorts and class lists. You can add specific learners to cohorts and set them as the audience for courses and events. Cohorts can also be used as a filter setting on the Events tab. Only users with admin. roles in Elentra can manage cohorts.
In some cases cohorts can be automatically populated based on information provided about a user when using a csv import to create users. The graduation year provided in the csv will be used to slot the learner into the appropriate cohort. Note that the appropriate cohort must exist before you import users for this feature to work.
When creating a cohort you can import a csv of users and their affiliated cohorts, or select users to add to the cohort through the user interface.
To import cohorts:
Navigate to Admin>Manage Cohort.
Click 'Import/Export' and 'Import Cohorts from CSV file'.
Download the sample template as needed.
Complete the template and click 'Chose File' to add the template.
Using this tool will create any new cohorts included in the csv and add users appropriately.
Note that this tool cannot be used to create users; any user included in the cohort import must already exist in Elentra.
To manually create and add users to a cohort:
Navigate to Admin>Manage Cohort.
Click 'Add New Cohort'.
Complete the required information, noting the following: Cohort Name: Make this clear as it will show up in various contexts throughout Elentra. Examples include Class of 2021, Class of 2022. etc. Cohorts will sometimes be available as filter options in Elentra. Cohort Type: Define the type of cohort you are creating.
Cohort: This is generally a full list of learners moving through a program together for a duration of time. They may take multiple courses together.
Course list: A course list is a type of cohort. It is generally a list of learners in one specific course for a set duration of time.
If you select Course List, note that you'll be prompted to select a specific course.
In the Add Learners section, click on the arrow to access a list menu of user groups. Click through the options to access the users you want to add to the cohort. Note the Select All option at the top of the list in case it is useful.
To remove a name from the list, click the small x beside the name to be removed.
Click 'Proceed'.
Once a cohort exists it can be added as the audience of an enrolment in a course or event, or used as a filter setting on the Events tab.
Navigate to Admin>Manage Cohort.
Search for and click on the name of the cohort you want to edit.
To edit the cohort name, click the pencil icon to the right of the name. Change the text and click 'Rename'.
To delete users from the cohort click the red minus button to the right of the user name. You will be prompted to deactivate or delete the user.
You can switch the group type from the dropdown menu. If you are turning something into a course list you'll be required to add the relevant course. If you switch group type you must save your change using the small Save button to the right of Group Type.
You can add additional learners using the same process explained above.
When you have completed your edits to the cohort, click 'Proceed'.
Navigate to Admin>Manage Cohort.
Click the checkbox beside the cohort you wish to delete.
Click the red Delete Selected button.
You will be prompted to deactivate or delete the cohort.
Confirm your choice.